
Thursday, August 29, 2024

The 2024 Cheat and What's Being Done About It

After engineer and data scientist Kim Brooks worked on cleaning the voter rolls in Georgia for a year, she realized she was on a stationary bicycle. She’d clear a name for various reasons, dead, felon, stolen ID, living at a seasonal campground for twenty years, duplicate, moved out of state, 200 years old, etc., and back it would come within a month. At that juncture she realized that a program within the Georgia voter registration database was methodically adding back fake names.

She looked deeper. For new registrants, the culprit was principally Driver’s Services creating new registrations and in this case, the manufacturer was a person, or persons. Within the government office, someone was stealing names and duplicating, even tripling that person’s vote and then forging their signature. Sometimes it was someone who just died, or a teacher who had no voting record. In the case of a nurse who died in 2022 with three registrations, she was registered to vote in two counties, and all three of her voted in the 2022 election and the 2024 primary. Each signature was slightly different, the last three letters spelled, ly, ley, and lley



    1. I see the number for Tennessee is zero. You have to show ID before you can even get past the lobby of our polling place.

    2. South Carolina is a "Show me" state, also. No ID, no vote.

    3. Good for both of those states! I recall how it used to be in Washington and nothing has really been done to address it.
      Unless Trump is at least 5 points ahead, he will lose, actually, I believe he will lose no matter what.
      When the number of votes cast equals or exceeds the total population of the USA, they will simply blame Trump for cheating (probably already have "evidence" of such) and claim victory.

  2. The cheat is strong and congress does nothing to stop it. There is only one solution and I don't think we have the balls to go there.

    1. This will continue until Vote Fraud is made a hanging offense with the culprit on display at the polling place.

  3. Determine culprit, try, convict, sentence, break dominant hand with ten strikes of five pound hammer.

    1. WestcoastDeplorableAugust 29, 2024 at 4:18 PM

      I think you have some great ideas there, Ole Grump!

    2. You should see what I thank is appropriate punishment for fentanyl dealers, it involves the rack.

  4. The person responsible for doing this needs an attitude adjustment.

  5. I have to disappoint you. You, the person who posted this: I am not shocked, I am not surprised.
    But thank you for posting this.

  6. When we let women vote their emotions got in the way. Now they're out of control.

  7. Very good article! I knew it was bad, but WOW!

  8. Georgia is still using the Dominion voting machines. There is very little evidence of any support for the Demosocialists. They plan another election steal.

  9. As a matter of work, I discovered that am Atlanta, GA DMV office was registering Felons to vote. Thousands of felons are still registred to vote out of a half way house in west Atlanta. I contacted the Staye Attorney Generals office, they thought I was lying. They had an investigator contact me and I should him the evidence (Votor IDs, State IDs with not notice that says they are not to be used for voter ID, and the persons at that address). He said he would look into it. A month later he said he almost had a heart attack at my info being true. I followed up later and this investigator told be he had been shut down and moved to other investigations. It was deemed too embarrasing if discovered. So it continues to this day. The US Attorney's office and Atlanta FBI laughed it off. Good times.

  10. I live in NC and I know dam well our dumbass governor did not win re-election. Heard the same from other people in other states.

  11. Whats confusing the way to cheat and win or which side you wanna be on? Asking for a friend

  12. Elizabeth is a fb friend, and has been doing a great job collating all this information. I suggest following her substack to keep up with a variety of topics. This one is most important.

  13. We must have an honest DOJ committed to reign in the illegal voting but I don’t know who has the nuts to tackle the issue. Damn sure won’t be anyone with a D beside their name.

  14. IF we started hanging election workers as traitors, I betcha this would all stop.

  15. We have a lot of corruption in government here in La but we do have good election standards.. State issued state
    picture ID is required and you will be checked in the active voter logs before doing anything. ..As for as Georgia, I have no clue what the fuck is going on there but it definitely needs cleaning up


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