
Thursday, August 29, 2024

What Do Voters Actually Care About?

No presidential race in the past half-century has featured a major party nominee who didn’t enter a single primary, an incumbent president who exited the race before November, a former president looking to regain office, or an assassination attempt. This strange 2024 campaign has now featured all four. It would hardly be surprising, then, if many voters are feeling a sense of disorientation akin to stumbling off of a dizzying carnival ride. 


  1. An awful lot of voters want the party in power to ensure their "perceived" safety and are willing to trade their liberty for it. In addition, they want the government to give them free stuff. The rest will vote for Trump

  2. It's not over yet. Cackles won't make it to November.

  3. WestcoastDeplorableAugust 29, 2024 at 4:43 PM

    While I'm not predicting a "Red Wave", Financial guru Martin Armstrong's very accurate "Socrates" computer program pegs Harris at 10.5%. Here's a link to Greg Hunter's interview on
    We also should remember most of the polls had Hitliary trouncing Trump before the 2015 election, and we all know how THAT turned out.
    I'm hoping and praying Harris's campaign will go down likewise in MAGA-flames!

  4. I suspect they have no idea what they want

    1. We want our damn freedoms back, we want to be left alone, we want to self govern, we want out of the UN, out of Europe's bullshit and we want to Shut Down the illegal motherfuckers from coming into our country.
      We'll start with that

  5. We know what we want "FREEDOM"

    1. and just what is "freedom"? Just another word for nothing left to lose?

  6. i hate to correct you but Teddy Roosevelt survived an assassination attempt while campaigning too


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