
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Up: The History of the Elevator

Versions of elevators have existed for millennia. But the development of elevators safe enough to carry passengers is relatively new. The History Guy remembers the history of an invention that allowed us to build skyscrapers. 

VIDEO HERE  (15:07 minutes)


  1. Yeah, that’s all well and good, if Mr Otis could see what Otis has become he would dead drop at the world’s faire. Elevator unions, especially in Kalifornia, charge huge, I mean huge hourly crew rates and they are abject prima donna’s. They will fuck your schedule over without losing a wink of sleep. Don’t even get me started on Kali state elevator inspectors.

    1. 34 years as an Elevator Constructor. Scheduling is done by the boss. Not us. As far as "Prima Dona", when you have to work on a running meat grinder, yeah, you get an attitude. Safest mode of transportation, for the public. However, we loose around 5 a year to on the job accidents. And yes, we do get paid well, not sure why anyone would have issue with that. Maybe take the stairs.

    2. Word. I work security for a 40-acre office complex with two dozen buildings in it in Norfolk VA. One company has the contract for the elevators in all the buildings that are more than one story (more than three-fourths). The elevator went out in the building that houses the property manager's office. When called the company said, "We don't have a contract there." The office secretary who'd called them retorted, "You don't? Then why were you out here two days ago repairing the elevator in Building 17?" It still took them three business days, plus the weekend, to come out and fix it.

    3. Every job has it's ups and downs.

  2. i got a rise out of that.

  3. Weird factoid I saw Otis’s daughter on Carson long ago, don’t remember why she was there.


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