
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Supreme Court denies Biden's latest ploy to cancel more student loan debt

The Biden administration was dealt another major blow by the Supreme Court, which denied its request to reinstate a major student loan forgiveness plan.

The high court declined to allow Biden's $160 billion Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan to move forward.

It comes after two federal judges last month sided with several Republican-led states and stopped Biden from moving forward with the debt cancellations.


  1. if House Minority Leader, Karen Camper ( D ) really wants change, then relocate the BATF south headquarters and ALL employees to Memphis immediately. It is currently in Brentwood, TN where there is NO gun violence.

    And enforce the current laws , or get out. These agents carrying a badge can all walk the beat alongside the cops and troopers. Problem solved.

  2. Dang, sorry Kenny
    ( posted in the wrong article )
    TN farmer

  3. SCOTUS says NO, but to all progressives NO has never stopped them from doing it anyway.

  4. Those kids that went to college on glorified welfare are pissed. Schools and banks collected millions. Students spent 4-6 years at the life of luxury with everything taken care of. They got a degree that had 0 value. They should have been of welfare. There is no way the taxpayer should be picking this up.

  5. Hmmm I wonder if we all could get our mortgages excused or paid for? Asking for a friend.

    1. Get a student loan. Pay off your mortage with it.
      Problem solved.

  6. Naked attempt at buying votes in an election year. I am not responsible for your bad decisions.

  7. The article should say SCOTUS denies obammy because we all know who is actually running this monkey show

  8. didnt they rule against it previously and jo'bama did it anyway? what


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