
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The State of Tennessee to Memphis: Fuck around and find out

Tennessee Republican leaders are threatening to take money away from Memphis if city leaders move forward with a council-approved measure to put a referendum regarding gun control on the November ballot.

Last month, Memphis City Council approved a plan to add a list of questions about gun control, including whether voters want to change the city’s charter to require permits for guns, ban assault weapons sales, and enact red flag laws in Memphis.


  1. My daughter lived in Memphis for 6 years. She never had any problems but she knew which areas to stay away from and not be out at night unless she was with a group.

  2. The threat of loss of tax revenue is a good one EVEN IF Memphis fails to get this on the ballot this time. It'll give other cities pause. In the meantime, the measures aren't likely to be on the ballot, and the matter will be moot -overtaken by events- shortly. If Memphis wants to go to court over a dead issue, fine, can't stop them. This is just the stupid Dems fussing. Let 'em fuss, as long as they don't get their way 'cause tantrum.

  3. Take gibz from Memphis? Sheeeyit cuh das rayciss

  4. if House Minority Leader, Karen Camper ( D ) really wants change, then relocate the BATF south headquarters and ALL employees to Memphis immediately. It is currently in Brentwood, TN where there is NO gun violence.

    And enforce the current laws , or get out. These agents carrying a badge can all walk the beat alongside the cops and troopers. Problem solved.

    TN Farmer

    1. Great idea. I noticed in the news footage of the Orange Mound riot & block party at least three of the natives sported SBR or AR pistols. I'm sure they paid the tax stamps on them.

    2. Yep - the batf HQ is right next door to the old Country Club. Welcome to shebly county and they can all be billy badass wannabee's all day long. Good riddance

  5. That’s how I got to Memphis. Good song but my one trip Memphis was plenty.


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