
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

"We must stop this gun violence"

An anti-gun activist in Colorado is now behind bars after allegedly killing a man to avenge the shooting death of his son.

Lumumba Sayers Jr., 23, worked with his father in various prominent ways. They were both mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters who provided community outreach to end the scourge of youth violence.


  1. The guy who wrote this story needs to retake English Composition. His account bounced all over the place unlike Wirecutter's opening, which was direct and to the point.

  2. Lamumba is against gun violence, but his brain's opposite side sees the efficiency of an inert weapon in the hands of a violent chimp taking care of business. Now that's primo critical thinking.

  3. I don’t even recognize my state anymore. What a shit hole it has become. Damn Democrats from California ruined it. Best state in the country back in the 80s.

  4. So, he is not against murder and killing. just using guns unless it is him doing the killing.

  5. Someone named him Lumumba. Do I need dig further?

  6. His son was clearly targeted. Gang related? The police most likely know all about it but for some reason all records have been sealed. That always makes me wonder.

    If his son had been run over, would dad have been crusading to ban Chevys?


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