
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Commentary: Tim Walz’s Radical Education Record

The National Educators Association, the largest teachers union in America, is “fired up” for Kamala Harris’s VP nominee, Tim Walz. “Gov. Walz is known as the ‘Education Governor,’” wrote NEA President Becky Pringle, “because he has been an unwavering champion for public school students and educators, and an ally for working families and unions. As a high school teacher and NEA member, Walz is committed to uplifting our public schools.”

The NEA’s endorsement should be worrisome for Americans who are actually concerned about the state of education in this country: for years, the NEA has put radical politics above children.

Unfortunately, so has Tim Walz.


  1. The F'kr is a devout Maoist. And under his "leadership" more than half of the darlings in public schools are failing.

  2. The darkness is strong with Walz. I was reading yesterday that he helped to sponsor a "gay club" where he taught/coached in 1984! I didn't realize he had been perverted for such a long time. That doesn't sound to bizarre today, but in 1984 starting an organization for school age children to promote a homosexual lifestyle would have been considered something pretty taboo and would probably resulted in serious bodily injury or death for the promoter around these parts. Homosexuality was not as accepted then as it is now in some parts of the nation today. This information along with some of Walz's other outlandish behaviors indicates to me that Tim Walz has been grooming or trying to groom children for sexual gratification for some time. I have zero tolerance for people who abuse children.

    1. Sexually I'm as straight as a plumbed line but like a lot of people I had/have gay family members and friends. The best friend I've ever had has been in a committed relationship with another man for more than thirty years. Through them I met and hung out with some of Atlanta's professional and amateur drag queens et al in the '90s. After being around them for a while some of them told me I had pretty good gaydar for a thoroughly straight man.

      All that to set this up: Walz sets my gaydar off like someone ringing a two ton bell. If that man isn't as gay as dad's hatband I'll eat my arm.

  3. The American educational system has been infected with commies for over 60 years and there's no turning it around. They've destroyed the conservative base in the country and through decades of educational indoctrination they've created a huge liberal base of not only radicals, but many drones who'll pull the "D" lever at the polls just because it'll hurt Trump. Commies might be evil, but they're very smart and obsessed with achieving domination over generations.

    1. commiecrats dont tolerate members getting out of line. That is why they will never go away. Nobody in the club can speak out.

    2. The Soviets took over the American Educational System back in the 50's. All that money through cutouts to sponsor the leftyization. And sponsor all those student organizations.


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