
Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Yeah, that oughta help



  1. Although I may not defeat the Devil, it is my duty to fight him and his works.

  2. Yes, insurance man. I did start it. But I tried to put it out also.

  3. Deep frying frozen turkey too close to the house?

  4. IDK, I always hear that fire sprinklers aren't meant to put out the fire, but to cool it down a bit and slow the spread to give people time to evacuate and eventually put it out.

    So maybe he'll slow the spread?

    John G

  5. Brave, but dumb. I'm guessing that's a shed full of flammable gas, paint thinner, etc. Tree is good as dead. On the left, the vinyl fence 10 feet away is melting like a candle. Behind the fence, the house is also likely going up. Hopefully, someone called the fire brigade before this idiot rolled out a garden hose and the other idiot grabbed a camera.

  6. All I can say is, "You do what you can, with what you got, from where you are."

  7. New years and 4th of July, I set out hoses and sprinklers in case the idiot neighbors end up starting a fire. It may not work, but you have to try.



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