
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Yet they took their dogs back there.....

SACRAMENTO — Over a dozen dog owners claimed their pets got sick after walking in Frank Seymour Park in Sacramento at the beginning of August.

The park is in the Greenhaven neighborhood off of Florin Road, and pet owners started to ask questions once they saw people online sharing the same experiences.

"She started throwing up and drooling heavily, like everywhere," said Bryce Hoeltke whose seven-year-old dog, Juno, got sick at the beginning of August after taking a walk through Seymour Park.


Sorry, but if I took my dog somewhere and he got so sick I had to take him to the vet, that would be the last time he got to play at that park.


  1. Probably leftists voting for the black VP...

  2. Dogs were getting contact highs from all the stuff those fine "valedictorians" were leaving in the park.

  3. Sounds like an asshole dog poisoner, and yes most likely a Commie to boot.

  4. Ya gotta be smarter than the dog in order to teach them anything.

  5. "They saw people online sharing the same experiences". Once again, an example of social media causing group hysteria. If there was no internet and smartphones to facilitate the spread of the nonsense the owners wouldn 't panic and the hounds would recover on their own.

  6. I stopped with dog parks years ago after nearly losing one of mine to coli poisoning (squirrel shit).

  7. I wouldn't return to the park with my dog. Either the city or park staff are lying about what they're using in the park, or it's someone who enjoys poisoning dogs. My guess is that it's a soccer mom whose little precious stepped on a land mine and wants to get some payback.


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