As have been all the other mutilated morons eaten by machines in our hall. Mind you, some of those were convicts on cheap slave-labour contracts that deliberately stuck their appendages in our various presses, to get some time off and some worker's comp payouts.
The power is definitely still on- from years of designing power UPS equipment, I learned you can put as many warning/instructional labels as you want on equipment, and make installation/operational manuals as clear and comprehensive as possible- there's always someone who ignores them all and does what they want-
Our toolmaker related an incident where a tech crawled into a hydraulic press tool to riffle out a blemish, only breaking the cycle with his leg interrupting an optic beam. He twitched his leg, a cycle started, and the machine very slowly pressed him into the shape of a car roof panel, no more stops possible from his position. I guess one of the thoughts rushing through his brain as it was squeezed out of his ears and arse was "gee, if only I had followed procedure". I only feel sorry for the guys who had to sponge him out, and the guy that had to make and mount a sign telling the next idiot to not crawl into the machine while it was running.
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Relax, he's over 18.
ReplyDeleteAs have been all the other mutilated morons eaten by machines in our hall. Mind you, some of those were convicts on cheap slave-labour contracts that deliberately stuck their appendages in our various presses, to get some time off and some worker's comp payouts.
The panel shows lights on.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like a reflection from the overheads to me.
DeleteThe power is definitely still on- from years of designing power UPS equipment, I learned you can put as many warning/instructional labels as you want on equipment, and make installation/operational manuals as clear and comprehensive as possible- there's always someone who ignores them all and does what they want-
DeleteSorta brings to mind the scene in Terminator where Sarah Connor mashes his ass.
ReplyDeleteOur toolmaker related an incident where a tech crawled into a hydraulic press tool to riffle out a blemish, only breaking the cycle with his leg interrupting an optic beam. He twitched his leg, a cycle started, and the machine very slowly pressed him into the shape of a car roof panel, no more stops possible from his position. I guess one of the thoughts rushing through his brain as it was squeezed out of his ears and arse was "gee, if only I had followed procedure". I only feel sorry for the guys who had to sponge him out, and the guy that had to make and mount a sign telling the next idiot to not crawl into the machine while it was running.
ReplyDeleteI don't see any LOTO tags or locks
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the same thing.
DeleteI always personally shutdown power and tagged equipment I was going to work on.......
We'll know in a couple of minutes...
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't get in that thing unless I had blown the power station up first.
ReplyDeleteYou couldn't--I mean--nah, you prolly wouldn't sell that cardboard, then, would ya?