
Friday, August 09, 2024

Your Friday Morning Florida Report

A Florida woman was arrested after she killed her roommate’s pet spider, law enforcement in the Sunshine State said.

Ilena Renae Rasmussen, 43, stands accused of one count each of larceny — petit theft in the second degree and animal cruelty that torments, deprives, mutilates, or kills any animal, according to Okaloosa County court and sheriff’s office records.


Please tell me this is satire, please tell me this is satire.....


  1. I'm not personally over fond of spiders; their pointy feet creep me out. But this was just cruel.
    The weirder pets can be nice, they tend to be pretty low maintenance, and have the added benefit of keeping MIL from visiting.

  2. I guess it's better to kill the spider then the roommate just saying.

  3. My daughter-in-law lost her shit when she went to fill our guest tub to wash up the kids and found a really large wolf spider in the tub. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and placed the opening in front of the spider and he ran in, as I knew he would. Took him outside and tossed him in the grass. She still gives me shit about not killing it. I just didn't see the need to wack a harmless critter that eats a lot of pest insects. You can use the same technique on scorpions, or an empty water bottle if they will fit through the opening. Eod1sg Ret

  4. I don't call them pets but I have a few spiders in sheds and the barn. I like to watch them spin. What I call zipper spiders weave a strange web. I don't mess with them and they do catch a lot of bugs.

  5. Everybody's missing the point. She was ARRESTED for killing a spider. Not cited, not warned ARRESTED! This is stupid. She didn't assault someone, play the knockout game or run somebody over. We have a problem of prosecuting silly misdemeanors to the max while letting traitors enrich themselves.

  6. I worked at a steel melt facility here in Michigan. We sold a lot of metal to companies in California, and in return they sent us the scrap from their production, which we recycled into more steel.
    In the fall of the year, we used to get scrap in 55 gallon drums, often with dozens of Black Widow Spiders. The guys who checked the incoming scrap for alloy and non melting material, such as ceramic, etc, had to be forced to wear gloves when handling the scrap due one of them getting bitten by one of the spiders. He was fine, just had some dead tissue and such around the bite.
    Some of the scrap we used to get was things like gates and risers, of course. But we used to sell millions of pounds of alloy for golf club heads to the states investment casters.
    When NAFTA passed, the business all moved south of the border to Mexico. A few years later, that moved to China, where most of the golf club heads are now made. Callaway was one of our big name customers.


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