
Monday, September 23, 2024

Commentary: DOJ Gets Political Before 2024 Election

Attorney General Merrick Garland broke precedent just weeks before the November election, delivering politically charged remarks at the U.S. Attorneys’ National Conference in Washington – pointedly speaking publicly rather than privately in a departure from his usual practice.

“Our norms are a promise that we will not allow this department to be used as a political weapon,” he said before a packed house, gathered in the Great Hall of DOJ headquarters on Sept. 12. “Federal prosecutors and agents may never make a decision regarding an investigation or prosecution for the purpose of affecting any election or the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party.”


  1. What a load of horse shit. Jeff C in NC

    1. He would not pass a WalMart hiring interview.

  2. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaaaa----------------liar!

  3. Mitch's greatest political accomplishment was keepung that dirtbag off the Supreme Court.

  4. Democrats #1 rule: Destroy the enemy by any and all means possible. Republicans play by the rules and get along. Meantime 85% of Americans are arguing over which college has the best football statistics and recite them from memory. Guess who's gonna win.

  5. They may never...but then again they may.

  6. When you are the one that enforces the rules, you can lie as much as you want.

  7. Should be first to the gallows for treason.


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