
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Commentary: Media Push Misleading Crime Stats to Protect Democrat Narrative

Crime is a major issue in this year’s election, yet major media ignored the release of a significant new government report showing a surge in violent crime. The increase in violent crime during the Biden administration is a record increase.

The latest data released last Thursday from the Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) reveal a sharp increase in violent crime under the Biden-Harris administration compared to when Trump left office.

1 comment:

  1. Crime stats are trivial to manipulate. Someone tried to carjack a friend of mine, smashing her window with his fist til he bled all over her car and she could drive away. The cops refused to even take a report saying the DA wouldn't prosecute since no one was injured or killed. No report. No crime.

    She went with me to a firearm training class after that.


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