
Friday, September 27, 2024

End Abortion: Rebrand Babies

The abortion debate continues to rage on social media. Pro-life activists are trying to engineer boycotts of Trump for being insufficiently in favor of a national ban on abortion. Other, more level-headed pro-life believers wisely understand that Kammunism must be defeated first, and then we can talk about ways to reduce abortion.


  1. What's to ban? Murder is already illegal, just enforce it. The baby gets adopted, abortionists get hanged.

  2. It's a states rights issue. We JUST went through that. Trashing Trump is ridiculous, it's not up to him. The federal government is already too powerful.
    I believe most abortion is murder and that will be between the providers, user's, and GOD.
    In my opinion, giving the federal government more power is not the way to go.


  3. I have to agree w/ the supreme court on this one. Leave it a states right. If you don't like it in your state, move.


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