
Friday, September 27, 2024

End Abortion: Rebrand Babies

The abortion debate continues to rage on social media. Pro-life activists are trying to engineer boycotts of Trump for being insufficiently in favor of a national ban on abortion. Other, more level-headed pro-life believers wisely understand that Kammunism must be defeated first, and then we can talk about ways to reduce abortion.


  1. What's to ban? Murder is already illegal, just enforce it. The baby gets adopted, abortionists get hanged.

  2. It's a states rights issue. We JUST went through that. Trashing Trump is ridiculous, it's not up to him. The federal government is already too powerful.
    I believe most abortion is murder and that will be between the providers, user's, and GOD.
    In my opinion, giving the federal government more power is not the way to go.


    1. This exactly accurate.

      I ahbor it, I want it to become unthinkable. That will happen thru the heart and not the law.

      Steve in KY

  3. I have to agree w/ the supreme court on this one. Leave it a states right. If you don't like it in your state, move.

    1. That's the same logic that gives us mass illegal invaders. You're either leaving because of something or going for something. Take responsibility where you are!

    2. There's a big difference between citizens and illegals. Citizens have the Right to move freely wherever they want.
      Using your logic I should've stayed in California where I'd probably be homeless and hungry.

  4. Most Americans, even though many don't like or even agree with it, would have lived with a limited time frame for abortion - such as 15 weeks. However, like everything else, the Marxists take everything to the extreme and now support abortion up to and even after birth.

    I agree that 15 weeks could be construed to fall within state's rights. However, sooner or later, late-term needs to be addressed as I believe a fully formed (if not sooner) "fetus" is a human being and it becomes murder when these precious lives are terminated. A state does not have any right to murder anyone.

    I don’t have all the answers but I believe I, as a “moral and religious” person, can make rational decisions and conclusions about the practice of abortion. Consider the following:

    1. Do mothers and fathers own their children?

    2. If they own their children, doesn't that mean their children are slaves? I think we all agree that slavery is illegal and immoral and therefore the children cannot be owned by the parents which are simply the legal guardians until the children can take care of themselves.

    3. Let’s back up a bit. Is the "fetus" a human being? It isn't a canine or a feline or other species so I don't think anyone can rationally argue that the fetus is anything other than human.

    4. Is the "fetus" alive or dead? Clearly it is alive and according to what the definition is, it exists and therefore is a "being".

    6. Therefore a "fetus" is a human being. Yes?

    7. If the parents are just the guardians and don't actually own their children, is it possible that that a pregnant woman does not actually own the "fetus", which is a human being, but is instead just a vessel for the child to grow in?

    8. If the woman owns the child and the male has no say, how does the male magically become responsible for the child if the male has no ownership or guardianship before birth? When did the child go from being owned by the woman to no longer being owned by the woman? Birth? Something is missing here...

    9. If I deposit money in the bank and the bank keeps that money in their vault, does that money automatically become the banks just because they keep it in their vault (or vessel)?

    There are only six countries in the world that allow elective abortions after 20 weeks – China, North Korea, Canada, US, Singapore, and Netherlands. Nice to know we rank right up there with some of the worst countries!

    The Democrat Party is not a “moral and religious” people. Abortion is a barbaric and immoral practice which is why the Democrat Party loves it so much. Afterall, who else would traffic, maim, and kill the children if the Democrat Party didn’t?

  5. One issue voters are a pain in the ass


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