
Friday, September 27, 2024

Good luck with that

The most-visited news website in the United States is trying out a paywall.

In early October, CNN will begin experimenting with charging some readers for digital access as part of a bid to shore up its business as cable television erodes industrywide, according to two people with knowledge of the decision.


They can't even get people to watch that shit for free but they think people will pay for it?


  1. So now I need to PAY to be lied to?

    (I have not watched or read anything from CNN since the day after the 2016 elections. I knew they disrespected Trump, but watching their faces when they had to admit Trump won was priceless for me. The next day though their DISRESPECT for Trump turned into PURE HATRED. That's the last time I watched CNN)

  2. Bwahahahaha. Good luck with that. I use a news aggregator, and any time I hit a paywall, I just tell the aggregator to stop pulling stories from that source. Guess CNN will be on there shortly...not that I think I ended up there very often anyway.

  3. CNN is the most-visited news website in the United States?

    That's bullshit...

  4. Hmm, not a very good grip on reality at cnn.

  5. I wonder what their audience numbers would be if they weren't on the TVs in airport lounges.

  6. I'm happy to report that my charges billed from CNN will remain the same as they've been for over a decade.

  7. That is how they will excuse their shitty ratings (Damn cheapskates won't pay for the bestest news on the planet - dumb basturds !!)

  8. Plenty of taxpayer funded NGO money for that

  9. Don't watch or can think of any occasion to watch it with or without a paywall.

  10. Remember CNN+? I expect this to be equally successful.

  11. I think that what CNN is going to try out is a "reverse paywall" where they pay us to watch the bullshit that they call news!

  12. Maybe the paywall means they're willing to pay to watch their bullshit

  13. I cut the cable 2 years ago and don't miss it at all.

  14. These viewer/reader institutions that charge for their content are creating viewer/reader welfare.

  15. Stopped watchin CNN years ago, sure would not pay.
    Same with the online versions of newspapers here in NZ. They want you to pay when they are just propaganda. They stopped allowing you to comment on their "stories" because they don't like it when you prove that they're biased or downright lying.
    No comments allowed on Climate Change because "the science is settled" lol

  16. I have them blocked on my newsfeed. That being said, I have ALL MSM blocked. If you act like a dumbass journalist, you get blocked. That's the rule.

  17. Everything I need to know about I can get right here on KNN.



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