
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Good Morning



  1. Morning pup - who's a good boy ! Or girl - sorry I assumed your gender ...

  2. that is some girls best friend. cute as hell too.

  3. Dressing up a dog in stupid costumes is animal abuse! (With Halloween being a POSSIBLE exception)

    1. My dog has really short fur, so he has sweats & a hoody jacket & boots for the snow.
      It's utility, not dress-up.

  4. Small dogs get cold and often need a sweater in the winter. Some dogs also like wearing the sweater that was keeping them warm and are upset when it is removed, regardless of what holiday it might be, or not be.

    1. yeah, my old dog Slim was like that too. got him a dog coat and he refused to let you take it off him. got a bit pissed if you did take it off sometimes too.
      damn dog would play in the snow until he was almost freezing and when I dragged his ass in, he flop in front of the wood stove, used to watch the steam come off the coat while it was drying on him. then he wanted out AGAIN !
      and he was a solid 110 pounds of roadie too. dave in pa.

    2. Coats and snuggies can help some dogs cope with stress.

    3. My dog is the opposite. Put one of those sweaters on her and she is patiently trying to remove it the instant you leave.

  5. Someone's going to be terribly spoiled.

  6. My dog has more coats and sweaters then me he gets cold hes little.

  7. Within reason, that little pup should get just about anything it wants! The unending love and
    attention the owner gets back will be well, well worth it!

  8. I have a considerable amount of pity for people who don’t care for animals. What must it be like to not have that connection with a pet that loves you as much as you love it? I don’t get it Big Dan.


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