
Friday, September 27, 2024

Health experts: No, you can’t overdose just by touching fentanyl

No, you’re not going to overdose by accidentally touching a small amount of fentanyl, according to health experts.

There is a common misconception that if you touch fentanyl either by coming across a white powder or touching an object with fentanyl on it that you’ll overdose. Health experts are working to make it clear that this is not true.

“It is a common misconception that fentanyl can be absorbed through the skin, but it is not true for casual exposure. You can’t overdose on fentanyl by touching a doorknob or dollar bill. The one case in which fentanyl can be absorbed through the skin is with a special doctor-prescribed fentanyl skin patch, and even then, it takes hours of exposure,” said Daniel Colby, assistant professor and co-medical director for the Department of Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Health.


  1. I still don't shit in public toilets because the toilet seat might give me AIDS.

    Just like cops like playing proctologist with all their rubber gloves.

  2. "medical expert" I automatically question the validity of the statement

  3. If men can get pregnant, then just touching Fentanyl can get you pregnant too.


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