
Friday, September 27, 2024

'Rest in peace buddy'

A 63-year-old man was accused of starting a wildfire in Colorado while he was trying to cremate his dog, according to local media reports. 

The Bucktail Fire started on Aug. 1 north of Nucla, about 350 miles west of Denver, and destroyed more than 7,200 acres of private and national forest land and one home before it was brought under control.


I'm guessing it might've been cheaper in the long run to have taken Rocket Dog to the vet and pay a couple hundred bucks to have them cremate him.


  1. He lives in a trailer. He probably doesn't have two nickles to his name. This ne'er-do-well will likely pay nothing for his stupidity. "[H[e accidentally started the fire after a spray can he threw into the pit blew up and lit a tree on fire." Let this low-IQ retard spend a couple of years or more in jail. Society won't miss him.

  2. they charge per pound. or did for my old dog Slim. 110 pound dog- 150 dollar bill.
    extra 35 bucks for a private cremation . urn is extra too.

  3. Talk about stupid maybe he should have buried the dog and not try and cremate it


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