
Friday, September 20, 2024

Many Gen Z workers aren’t prepared for the workplace, employers say

Gen Z employees have some work ahead to earn the trust of their bosses.

A recent survey by found that about one in six companies are hesitant to hire recent college graduates, citing concerns over their preparedness, communication skills, and professionalism.

A stunning six in 10 said they had fired college grads they hired in 2024.


  1. yeah. and dear old dad used to drag me out to work with him every summer after I turned 10 or 11. seems like a blur now. anyway. when other kids went to the shore or the mountains for summer vacation, I went to work. with a concrete crew that my dad ran. after a few summers,
    I liked it really. made money and got in shape. better than any gym rat did that for sure.
    didn't realize it until I went into the army. then I found out what dad did for me.
    never fired from a job and was always welcomed back. todays kids, not all of them. but a lot are just lazy. they never had to work for anything and it shows.

  2. Well, were they fired because the new employee was incompetent or lazy, or was it that Bidenomics forced letting go workers and the newest employees were the unlucky ?

  3. I have interviewed numerous recent college grads that have never had a job.

    1. Getting worse with the unrealistic min. wage. Why hire a teen or anyone still going to school?
      The unions and their D friends want high Min. wage to boost the union wages contractually obliged to be higher than minimum.

  4. Today I read that a new high school has opened in my area.
    It is a Mike Rowe Academy for students from age 14-20. Upon graduation, earn a HS diploma plus a certificate in one of several trades.
    Apparently now in 48 states and scholarships available.

    1. If this nation is to be saved, it's men like Mike Rowe and Elon and The Donald.

  5. Gen Z, worst employees ever!


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