
Monday, September 30, 2024

Newsom vetoes bill that would require free condoms in most California high schools

California Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed a bill that would have required most high schools in the state to make condoms available for free to all students in grades 9 through 12.

SB 954 would have required condoms to be placed in at least two locations on each campus starting in the 2025-26 school year, along with information about how to obtain and use them.


Tampons in boy's bathrooms, yes. Condoms, no.


  1. In a state where they don't understand genders and reproduction, what would those condoms be good for?

  2. Can't hand out condoms, that might reduce the number of their precious abortions.

  3. Wow how much would the state save for each pregnancy it prevents with a minor upfront cost of birth control? This seems like a no brainer unless the goal is more teen pregnancy and baby mommas on public assistance.

  4. Not to mention AIDS, and a plethora of STDs, and oh yeah, monkeypox hahaha. Remember that Healthcare is the biggest business in California. Wouldn't want to pass up all that opportunity.

  5. If they get enough kids to switch genders, there will be enough fake honey holes and fake meat that condoms won't be necessary for birth control.
    Of course they don't look at the disease end of things.


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