
Monday, September 30, 2024

Samaritan's Purse Disaster Relief

From all the emails I've gotten, it appears the folks over at Samaritan's Purse are the ones to go to if you want to donate money or time and labor to help. You can donate directly to them or contact them at their website. 


  1. I just donated to Texas Baptists Men Disaster relief. Better one of these groups than Red Cross. They are boots on the ground.

  2. @Wirecutter,

    I saw the same thing. My boss has a daughter in NC and she is working to help. I have asked him to check with her on what the locals think about Samaritan's Purse. I will post if I hear anything.

    Thanks for doing this,


  3. Samaritans Purse was a huge help when my mothers house burnt down in Redding CA. Good organization, good people.


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