
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

PG&E program that helps customers with overdue bills runs out of money for the year

Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) announced a program that helps a lot of people pay their overdue bills has run out of money for the rest of the year.

This comes just five days after PG&E introduced another rate hike that could add on average about $6 a month to customers' power bills.


  1. Do customers get a discount for not having to fund other people's bills.

  2. She's got money for nails, she can pay her electric bill. Priorities

  3. It is environmentally irresponsible to subsidize fossil fuel energy. The subsidized price is only incentive to burn more, rather than conserve. PGE Customers need to pay the full rate for the fuel they burn.

  4. Whites must return California to mestizos. Whites cannot administer this area properly. Let the Aztecs have the el cuerpo muerto del Newsome por celebracion

    1. Believe me; the Mexicans are even WORSE at managing California. Come to think of it, they're also pretty good at making us pay for their "free" electricity...

    2. Translation, if my high school Spanish and ten years of working with Green Card Amigos serves me well:

      "Let the Reconquistadors celebrate their victory over the room temperatura body of the Golden Boy."

      One of the most fun things about working with The Amigos was watching how they so magnificently jerked the chain of the prick foreman we worked for, who didn't speak a word of English.
      He was not only a prick, he was a stupid prick.

    3. Should have read "who didn't speak a word of Spanish". My bad.

  5. Nobody has ever helped me pay my bills. We’ve become way too comfortable with discrimination. Arty

  6. My last PG&E bill:
    Tier 1 Allowance: 456 kWh @ $.38828/kWh
    Tier 2 Over 456 kWh @ $.48617/kWh


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