
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Veterinarians warn pet owners to vaccinate dogs as fatal disease spreads

Pet owners in Missouri are being more cautious after a vet issued warnings about a deadly disease uptick.

The warning comes as the Pet Resource Center of Kansas City said two dogs had to be euthanized after they tested positive for a bacterial infection called leptospirosis. Health experts said the disease can also spread to humans.


  1. There was a series on TLC some years ago called 'The Monsters Inside Me' and it spotlighted all these weird diseases that are uncommon enough to go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. The surprising thing to me was the majority are spread to us by our pets. After thinking on it, I should not have been surprised after remembering a lot of pet owners allow their pets to lick their own face and mouths - and you KNOW where those tongues have been.

    1. OTOH, exposure strengthens the immune system, as long as it's not impaired by other factors.

  2. My cautionary gland just developed skepticitis. An acute syndrome of researchism will be permitted to run its course before taking any further potentially permanent actions. Is there a vaccination that cures us of pharma-sponsored quackery?

  3. Is the vaccine a mRNA product by any chance?

  4. What do you want to bet the "origin" of the disease is actually from the vaccinated animals? Oh, but its different with pets?Nope. Follow the money.

  5. Leptospirosis vaccine used to be combined with a distemper & one or 2 others. It was a pretty standard vaccination, and will definitely save your dog.
    Don't they do that anymore?

  6. I spent 28 years as a diagnostic pathologist in veterinary medical diagnostic labs in MO & KY. Saw exactly ONE case of Leptospirosis in a dog during that time. Leptospirosis vaccine in dogs can cause some problems, so many vets have stopped administering it, unless it's a known problem in the area. I had a local veterinarian who contacted me yearly to ask if we were seeing Lepto, because the pharmaceutical reps kept pushing the vaccine... my answer was always, "Nope, not seeing any. I'll let you know if it shows up."

    Love 'Monsters Inside Me'... I taught Parasitology for 25 years... always tried to figure out what the parasite/disease of the episode was, before they revealed it.

    1. Probably another POS vax from Pfiser

    2. And you would be wrong, Anonymous @ 12:52, as you could easily find out via any search engine. There are multiple types and multiple manufacturers.

  7. Somebody better warn the Haitian community. Anyone here speak French?

  8. The leptospirosis vaccine is effective and relatively inexpensive. Rats, voles, raccoons, etc. are carriers and pets get sick by licking the urine if these infected animals. But, the disease has to be in the area for your pet to get infected. So, until your locality has the bacterium, there is no need to inoculate and vice versa. But you need to stay on top of this. Make sure the vaccine is effective for serovars (strains) ictohemmoragae and Pomona. They are the more serious infective serovars causing the worst symptoms (trashing the kidneys).

  9. Our dog is a ratter. Nothing makes her happier than going rat hunting in the city at night. We keep her current with her Lepto vaccination, but I do wonder if she’s getting exposed. It’s endemic in rats here (Washington DC area) but she’s never shown any signs of illness.


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