
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A bit of an overreaction, don't you think?

A Las Vegas gas station worker used a baseball bat to beat a customer he accused of breaking a nacho cheese machine and talking trash to him in a bout of predawn violence, authorities said.

Myron Bullie, 47, faces charges of attempted murder and battery with a deadly weapon, jail booking records show.


  1. His picture was no surprise, but Bullie (bully), really?

  2. Ever since the Nigerian and his Wookie came into the spotlight violence has increased and tolerance for each other has gone out the window....
    The " fundamentally change America " has happened and it's not for the best

  3. Probably not his first encounter with the customer.

  4. Hey, man! That's not-cho cheese!

  5. Almost every gas station and 7/11 type store in Las Vegas has people who hang there looking for victims. Everyone who lives in Vegas knows not to go to these places after dark and most certainly not in "pre-dawn". They aren't all that safe during daylight hours either but there are more people around and the criminals are less likely to blatantly attack you.

  6. You broke the nacho cheese machine? Batter up.

  7. The most interesting stories are when both the "victim" and the "perpetrator" are clearly both completely fcuking wrong.

  8. The photo reminds me of my Mom telling us ‘we’re going to ride to town on that lip if you don’t stop pouting!’


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