
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

We need to see the pictures before we pass judgement

A 24-year old Missouri woman filed a $25,000 lawsuit Friday calling a local cop “a sexual voyeur and predator of the worst kind,” over what she said was a traffic stop that turned into an invasion of privacy.


  1. Wait wait wait, you mean some pig acted like a complete piece of shit and abused the powers granted through employment?
    Fuck cops. Clean your house the fuck up and get rid of pieces of shit like this!! Then MAYBE you'll have the respect of your citizens again. Fucking pigs.

  2. 25k is chump change. The city probably already wrote that check.
    For this case, I'd start at 2.5. The first stipulation is the city pay 25k right now.

  3. There's a reason you get a card to prove you have insurance. Stop putting everything on the damn phone, leave the it on the seat locked and turned off..

  4. "We are deeply concerned by these allegations..." GFY, pig.

  5. She got a good deal. I've known women that had to give the cop a BJ to get out of the ticket. She is the guru of getting out of traffic tickets and she is complaining. Hint, put nude selfies on your phone right next to your ID and insurance pics.


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