
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Why They Hate Him

Donald Trump is the most divisive political figure of our time—perhaps the most divisive since Lincoln. There are supporters who would take a bullet for him, and there are adversaries who cheer when someone shoots at him. This goes beyond the normal polarization of American politics. Lincoln too provoked intensely divided sentiments. And yet with Lincoln the division was over the issue—slavery—while with Trump the division is over the man.

This is the first great Trump enigma—what is it about Trump that produces this extreme bifurcation? And the second enigma is like it: Here is a man who is attacked mercilessly, in and out of office, every single day. He’s faced character assassination, attempted legal destruction, even two actual assassination attempts. And for what? Here’s a billionaire with an easy life available to him. Why does he persist?


  1. I just love how people reimagine history. Lincoln was devisive because of tarifs. He didn't give a damn about the slaves; he disliked Negroes.

    1. Well there's that whole ignoring state's rights and sovereignty when declaring war against the people of the south thing as well

    2. Lincoln wanted to save the Union. He figured, right or wrong, that a united country would better fend off advances from European powers.
      But the cost changed America forever.

    3. CC
      Yes it did, Lincoln began the overbearing federal system of government we now find ourselves in. He decided his opinion was more valuable than the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights on States Rights to self govern. He declared economic war on the south to favor the north and it's manufacturing companies. Very little of what he did was good for the country in my opinion

    4. Lincoln after a 3 day drunk:
      "I did what?!?! I freed WHO!?!?"

    5. The media created this evil "lItErAlLy hItLeR" narrative about Trump - a person they LOVED until he ran for president as a republican.

      Under Trump policies like energy independence, the poorest 1/3 of America saw household wealth increase by 40%

      Libs need the poors to vote for them therefore can't have record low unemployment across all races & poors getting richer, so the left decided to destroy America by open borders & jacking up costs to take back that household wealth accumulation

      They want to eliminate the middle class. Pay attention

  2. I personally think it's an insult to compare Trump to Lincoln, Trump is much better for our country than Lincoln ever was

  3. The divisiveness is not inherent in Trump. He is only the lightning rod, the lightning already was there.

    1. Good points made above by Rick and JD. It irks me when modern day politicians "mis-apply" comparisons of democrats of then to democrats of today and vis versa. There were a lot of shady aspects of Lincoln and his presidency. Lincoln was a tyrant for sure. Look no further than the fact that he suspended habeas corpus.

  4. Long, but worth reading.


    Like many citizens, I've wondered and tried hard to understand why Trump has such a remarkably large and loyal following. It's obvious why he probably should not! I, personally, do not like Trump or his persona. I wish he would just "go away" and spare us the embarrassment of having him show up on TV.

    However; it doesn't look like he's about to leave the scene..... I still struggle to understand....

    Then a friend sent me this raccoon story. It makes no difference about your political leanings, this is just a good explanation of WHY... (or it's as good as any I can come up with).

    Do you really want to know how the majority of American citizens feel? This applies to both Democrats and Republicans; read below, it says it all.

    You've been on vacation for two weeks, you come home, and your basement is infested with raccoons. Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean raccoons have overtaken your basement. And they have learned to get to the top floor of your once beautiful, middle class home. You want no them gone immediately. You call the city, 4 different exterminators, but nobody can handle the job.

    But there is this one guy that specializes in racoon eradication and he guarantees you to get rid of them. So you hire him. You don't care if the guy smells, you don't care if the guy swears, you don't care if he's an alcoholic, you don't care how many times he's been married, you don't care if he voted for Obama, you don't care if he has a plumber's crack, you don't even care if he's a misogynist. you simply want those raccoons gone! You want your problem fixed! He's the guy. He's the best to solve the problem. Period.

    Here's a corollary story for why Trump has such a large following of patriotic American citizens. Yes he's a bit of an ass (maybe a total ass). Yes, he's an egomaniac, an adulterer, a loud-mouth and abusive but we don't care because he makes sense with "Make America Great Again". The country is a mess because politicians totally suck and produce only self-serving rules. The Republicans and Democrats can be two-faced & gutless, and illegals are everywhere. Washington DC is infested with self-serving pests. We want it all fixed!

    We don't care that Trump is crude, we don't care that he insults people, we don't care that he once was friendly with Hillary, we don't care that he has changed positions, we don't care that he's been married 3 times, we don't care that he fights with Megyn Kelly and Rosie O'Donnell, we don't care that he doesn't know the name of some Muslim terrorist. Also, we don't care if the guy has bad hair. This country is weak in resolve and bankrupt. Our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegals (probably even terrorists), we are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo, and Hasid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don't even recognize the country we were born and raised in; "AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED"!!!

    And Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want. We're sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic Party, sick of the Republican Party, sick of identity politics with self-identified special groups, sick of trying to guess the preferred pronoun and sick of illegals. We just want this thing fixed!!!!

    Trump may not be a saint (he's definitely NOT), but he doesn't have lobbyist money holding him and he doesn't have political correctness restraining him. All you know is that he has been very successful, is a good negotiator, and he has built a lot of things. He's also not a politician.......he's not a cowardly politician......

    And he says he'll fix it. And, we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.

    We just want those raccoons gone, out of our house, NOW!!!!

    The raccoons have got to go!!!!

    1. Holy shit!
      You have a friend?

    2. Wait… are you saying all the coons have to go as well as illegals? Ok, where do we sign the petition.

    3. See David Della Rocco, the "Funny Guy"

    4. With the people trump is insulting i see that as a plus not a minus, insulting them isnt taking it far enough

  5. We peasants can bitch all we want, but until the rich of this country, or any country for that matter, says, "Enough is enough," things are not going to change.  We have two, maybe three, that are sticking their necks out.  It will take a hell of a lot more to get to that one-third tipping point that causes major changes historically in the political structure.

  6. ". . with Lincoln the division was over the issue—slavery"

    Oh horseshit! Anyone peddling this as to the reason for the civil war is either grossly misinformed, or intends to misinform.

    1. Exactly. This article and the mini novelette in the comments are all pushing lies. Either on purpose of because they are trolls. Too much information and history out there to debunk both, total waste of my time reading this shit.

  7. It isn't about him. The unhappy desperate tyrants have no other emotion.

  8. He is a billionaire because he isn't a quitter. You can be a quitter and inherit that kind of money but you don't build that kind of financial empire by giving up. It's just not in his nature to quit.

    1. Why we like Trump?
      He doesn't compromise, he doesn't equivocate, he doesn't "reach across the aisle", he fights back.

    2. He sure seemed that way as a candidate. As a President, he wasn't nearly as cool.

  9. How is "Make America Great Again" divisive? Trump is not anymore divisive than any other candidate. Obama and Biden have been the most divisive and have significantly elevated racial and political divide and permanently damaged this country's values and culture. The vitriol from the Democrat party rivals anything Trump has said or done - Jamie Ratskin, Pelosi, Maxipad Waters, MSM and many more for example.

    Do you think the left wouldn't be attacking any other Republican, other than Trump, with the same ferocity?

    I think not. People that hate Trump have bigger issues - mental illness for many. If a Republican is going to vote for Harris because they hate Trump, then they are not real Republicans or conservatives, but a member of the Uniparty, and probably stupid according to Carlo Cipolla's Theory of Stupidity.

    I have seen several Y-Tube videos of Black pastors that have left the Demon Party and are telling their church members that they cannot be Christians and vote for that party. The Democrat Party is the party of death and chaos. Everything they do results in one of these outcomes. They are evil to the core.

    Vince Everett Ellison (a black man) calls the Democrat Party the evilest institution in the history of the world. You can check out his videos here if you're interested.

  10. Thanks for positing that and the link, Ken

  11. There has been a meme going around for a while of Trump saying, “In reality, they’re not after me, they’re after you, I’m just in the way.”
    And that really gets to the heart of this.
    The uniparty absolutely despises the working class, especially the White working class. They see Trump as the last savior standing in their way of finally consigning the White working class to the ash heap of history.
    This morning one of the regime toadies - Gina Raimondo - openly called for Trump to be “Extinguished for good.” nothing inflammatory there.
    I wasn’t the only one who heard it either. Later on this morning I was at the local bakery and there were two women there - mid 60’s - who were discussing what Raimondo said. One asked the other, “I agree with everything she said, but what are we going to do with his supporters once he’s gone?”
    I didn’t stick around to hear the answer to that question, but I had a good idea of what it was. I know a few people who have no problem with the idea of throwing Trump supporters into camps and taking their children away. I believe that time is just about here.

    1. I don't see getting out of this without some serious violence heading our way. Far more complex than the Civil War - there are no reasonable concentration of adversaries (southern states vs northern states). Guerilla action this time, I'm afraid.

  12. If Trump was a Democrat, they'd be singing his praises instead of calling him divisive.

    1. Trump was a democrat. As a business man in New York city he had to work within the democrat political machine, so it was in his best interests to mingle with them. Go along to get along as it were. He switched to the republican party because their platforms more closely aligned with his personal beliefs, and it was his best avenue into the political arena when he decided that he would have to get into politics if he was to be at all successful in helping the nation out of the problems he saw us getting into.

    2. Paul
      Go do a little research, when Trump was just a businessman in newyawk all the demonkraps loved him Greasy Al Sharpton, Mumblemouth Jessie Jackson, the Klinton crime family and so on.. When he had the nerve to run against them he became a villain.. Anyone against the POS I listed above is alright by me..

  13. For 9 years the DNC politicians/media have been lying about Trump, calling him hitler, a threat to democracy, and calling for his death. That long term pounding of propaganda works.

  14. Pretty simple really.
    It's Trump or socialism, and we all know what that means.


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