
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Why They Hate Him

Donald Trump is the most divisive political figure of our time—perhaps the most divisive since Lincoln. There are supporters who would take a bullet for him, and there are adversaries who cheer when someone shoots at him. This goes beyond the normal polarization of American politics. Lincoln too provoked intensely divided sentiments. And yet with Lincoln the division was over the issue—slavery—while with Trump the division is over the man.

This is the first great Trump enigma—what is it about Trump that produces this extreme bifurcation? And the second enigma is like it: Here is a man who is attacked mercilessly, in and out of office, every single day. He’s faced character assassination, attempted legal destruction, even two actual assassination attempts. And for what? Here’s a billionaire with an easy life available to him. Why does he persist?

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