
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Yet Facebook kicked me off over political memes

An Ohio woman is behind bars for allegedly shooting two women during an argument earlier this summer. And, she appears to have posted two separate videos documenting some of the violence on that warm night in the Avondale neighborhood of Cincinnati.

Akira Fletcher, 23, stands accused of one count of aggravated murder, according to Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office records.

On Aug. 31, the defendant was arrested. The day before that, she posted her side of the story, with visual receipts, on Facebook.


  1. I was denied access to the President of the United States by Barry obummer's administration. Because I questioned the direction of their platform
    Believe me, I've cursed out biden on many occasions.. .

  2. But she a po black wimmens what don't know her daddy on welfares an her story need to be tol. You on the other hand are a white male, priviledged, served your country with honor and worked for all you have. You racist man.

  3. "Akira".

    'Nuff said.


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