
Monday, October 21, 2024

A majority of Californians have considered leaving the state, survey finds

California is among the most expensive states in the nation for basic necessities like housing, food, gasoline and insurance. So, it’s no surprise that high costs are prompting people to consider leaving the Golden State – if they haven’t already.

A poll conducted this month by Emerson College and sponsored by KTLA’s parent company, Nexstar Media, questioned 1,000 likely California voters on issues including the economy, immigration policy, and the upcoming election.


  1. Yet they continue to vote for the same stupid shit.

    1. They will come to your community and vote for the same stupid shit too.

  2. 250 people per square mile...if you love crowds....I don't....I now live in a place that has 25 people per square mile.

  3. I'd leave too, if I wasn't so close to retirement AND if I didn't fear jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. NO ONE with an IQ above rom temperature leaves a good-paying job with only a couple of years left 'till retirement. Everyone bags on California, but there are PLENTY of states vying for the title of "Most Loony-Left Legislature!" On top of that, our FEDERAL "government is trying to turn the WHOLE COUNTRY into California! If that happens, I might as well live in a place where the weather is good and the growing seasons are long! Remember too, folks; California was a DEEP RED state at one time. What happened? Too many people from the East Coast moved in!

    1. What happened? The 1986 amnesty for illegals and the one-party rule ever since then.

    2. That surely didn't help, but believe me; California was moving in the wrong direction before that.

  4. Time to build a wall around Colorado.
    I know, it's too late already, but it doesn't hurt to make it clear WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE.

    1. What would you say to the host of this blog moving to your state?

  5. Georgia native says to stay there. We've got one lesbian couple from California let's stop there.

  6. Born in CA and lived here all my life. Yes, I've considered leaving, but it ain't going to happen.

  7. We own a rental home in a Sacramento suburb.
    Taxes are approaching a grand a month, nearly us$12,000 annually.
    We operate a small organic teaching farm near the outskirts of Eugene Oregon.
    Taxes are us$600 (six hundred fedbux) for the entire acreage with all the structures and other improvements.

  8. They've stayed this long, make it too late to leave. Eastern Oregon as well. For that matter, put the border along the crest of the Sierra and Cascades, declare the west side a hostile state, and seal it like the border between N and S Korea

  9. Don't they tax you for so many years, even after you move out? Fuck that.

  10. There's just so damn many of them. They've invaded every other state in the west, raising real estate prices to insane levels. They bring their shitty attitudes with them. They have no respect for the history and traditions of the places they've invaded, and they detest the locals and especially the natives.

  11. I feel for those trapped behind enemy lines but it happened on your watch. Expats are driving housing prices, property taxes, groceries among other things up while driving down the quality of life for those native to the area.. Traffic in places that wasn't built to handle that many cars is destroying roads...
    Stay home and fix the mess, don't bring it to us..

    1. The mess in California is unfixable.
      If Kamala Harris is installed, the mess is headed your direction.


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