
Thursday, October 03, 2024

Commentary: The Corrupt Economics of Immigration

The common refrain among supporters of the Democratic Party’s open borders policy is that immigration helps the economy. A very recent example of this was published in MSNBC Daily last month, where the author, David Bier of the Cato Institute, claims that “The Congressional Budget Office finds that the surge will boost the economy by $7 trillion and reduce the federal debt by nearly $1 trillion by 2034.” That’s actually an unimpressive statistic since the cumulative GDP of the United States over the next decade will easily exceed $300 trillion, but Bier is probably not wrong in his assertion that immigration increases GDP.

So what?


  1. Using the logic used by the Cato guy, "imports" of Mexican opioids increase GDP.

  2. Could a local sheriff arrest the FEMA people on at least some charge? Conspiracy to cause death or great bodily harm?

  3. Well it helps the Catholic Churchs' economy and keeps the democrats fat and happy and in power.

  4. But all their freebies from the taxpayers driving up debt. They are more of an expense than add.

    1. If you add the increase costs for rent, auto insurance, groceries to what you posted it's obvious the illegal POS are not good for OUR country

  5. If hundreds of billions of dollars is taken out of the economy and given to people who did not earn it, then those people turn around and spend the same hundreds of billions of dollars, how does this boost the economy?

    At best, the illegals are putting the same dollars back into the economic cycle it was originally taken out of. However, since the transfer was unearned, the economic cycle can never fully recover the value taken out of it to begin with. At best this is a net zero transfer but more than likely an actual loss.

    1. You're not using Government math

  6. GDP goes up, the per capita GDP drops. The left does not understand per capita.


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