
Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Commentary: Get Ready for Another Mail-In Ballot Fiasco

Many states are now sending out mail-in ballots for the November election.

Yet at the same time that so many more voters are depending on the mail to cast their ballots, the two leading national organizations of election officials wrote the U.S. Postal Service demanding immediate action to avoid confusion and chaos with mail-in ballots.


  1. I always request mail-in ballots, but NEVER mail them back. If I get the ballot, no one else can. I hand deliver the ballot to the polling precinct during early voting. Never trust an organization that is in league with the other side to deliver that filled in ballot.

    1. You keep thinking that....

    2. Well I understand your thinking, but IMHO early voting may give an unscrupulous opponents' party information on how many ballots need to be cast in opposition, in order to turn the tide. This is why I vote IN PERSON, on election day only. Not sure that my thinking is on target or not - but that is what I do and why.

    3. I've personally known 3 people that have shown up to vote on 'election day' only to be told that they had already voted. There is no recourse for that.

    4. I'm an early voter, usually within a day or two of the polls opening.... It's what works best for me

  2. If they cant win it they will phoocitup. It is all or nothing with these folks. then when they loose they spend the next 4 years in the courts trying to keep anything from changing.

    1. And the streets,foot soldiers of the dnc will be activated again.With the recently arrived support personnel.

    2. And we will see a rise of The Rittenhouse Effect. This shit is gunna end up with Americans and invaders exchanging lead. Folks on both sides will be assuming room/ambient temperature. No one is immune to the laws of physics.

  3. They are fine tuning their cheating, again

  4. The word fiasco implies incompetence, disorganization and rampant error. What's going to happen will be none of those. It will be a highly organized and orchestrated fraudulent event. The DNC has had 4 years to find tune and perfect their cheating machine. Expect it to run at full-tilt.

    1. i agree. Kamala will get more votes than biden.

  5. They've already set the stage for the cheat with the story last week in the NYT that conveyed the message that the winner might not be able to be determined on election night because all of the votes might not be able to be counted in the allotted time. Sounds like a repeat of Georgia and Arizona when they stopped counting at 3AM then discovered suitcases full of ballots the next morning.

    There's polling results that convey Trump either way behind or ahead by only 1-2% in the "battleground" states while over sampling Demonrat voters by10-15%. That's just setting the poll results up to show Demonrats ahead as cover for Trump losing.

    If polling were honest, they'd sample equal numbers of Demonrat and Republican voters.

    Who TF in their right mind is going to vote for more More MORE of this boooolchit for another four years?

    This is how low we've sunk: You're more likely to be jailed for pointing out election fraud, than going to jail for election fraud. Ask yourself how it is that a movie named "2000 Mules" was made showing unequivocally that fraud was committed in the 2020 election. The movie described how it was done, using the same technology that .gov used to identify the supposed Jan 6th "insurrectionists" and CONgress nor any other body anywhere in the country has investigated the claims made in the movie.

    Also ask yourself why 147 Republicunts in the House joined Demonrats in defeating the bill rider to require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections.



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