
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Commentary: Trump’s Toughest Foe Could Be Harris Lawyer Marc Elias

If Donald Trump gets past Kamala Harris on Nov. 5, he’ll likely face a fiercer opponent in court – her campaign attorney, Marc Elias, who has vowed to fight the election outcome in every close state she loses.

The longtime Democratic Party lawyer has already filed more than 60 preelection lawsuits to stop Trump from becoming president again by combatting what he calls Republican “voter suppression” efforts such as requiring voters to provide identification at the polls. Echoing a standard Democratic talking point, Elias maintains that such requirements are “racist” strategies designed to make it harder for minorities to vote.


  1. I heard that this lawyer already has a box of chads waiting to be used.

  2. and just who is paying this asshole anyway ? come to think of it, there are a bunch of dirty lawyers that are fighting against Trump in any way they can think up.
    here a fun idea, if and when Trump wins and gets in. go after all of these pricks and assholes
    and make them pay for their bullshit.
    or we could just do things the old fashion way and hang them too. or hot tar and feather
    their ass and march them thru town.

    1. We are. You, me, all of us.
      The USG gives your tax monies to certain 501 (C4) 'foundations'. They in turn grant those monies to 'social causes'.

      Marc Elias works as a social cause.

    2. Boat ride ending with cement shoes so he can contemplate his perfidy on the way to crush depth.


    3. I think the current price of tar would rule that one out, although it would be nice to see outside of the history books.

  3. Elias is just another cog in the democrat steal machine. I think the judges do 100x the damage that anyone does. Elias just gets it to the right judge to make the steal happen. US postal service is more damaging. They store the pallets of ballots for delivery after the polls close. USPS should have dailey reports on ballots sent and status of ballots received. They scan everything they process.

    1. Nice commentary, but the Democrat machine and the Deep State RINOS only operate by one rule: "The ends justify the means". The end being: Trump can never be president again.

    2. Right. They scan and email to us a picture of everything going to our box, right down to the junk mail.

      That may be their undoing.

      Make the dems and USPS prove where each mail-in ballot was sent to a legit, registered voters. If not, spoil the ballot.

    3. The scheme you suggest is riddled with points of entry for fraud.

      Best is to remove USPS from the entire election process.
      Vote in person only. Paper ballots only.
      For overseas personal, ballot handled by military courier only. Courier is at least E-5 active military service, subject to UCMJ.

  4. Personally I'm not amused with this crap and these people need to be ventilated.

  5. At that point, it will be "time".....


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