
Monday, October 28, 2024

Commentary: Without Massive Reform, a Trump Victory Will Be in Vain

It looks like Donald Trump is going to win. I always thought he would in a fair fight. But winning the election could prove to be a Pyrrhic victory if Trump does not take very specific steps to wrest control of the federal government from hostile elements in the permanent bureaucracy.

Setting aside who really won in 2020, no one disputes that Trump did win in 2016, but after that victory, he was still not allowed to govern. Instead, he was harried by the coordinated activities of entrenched interests. His naivete about the many backstabbers in the executive branch and within his own party further enhanced their ability to disrupt his first term.


  1. I've been saying it since the get go ... Appears to me he has a mandate at this point. Hopefully he gets the popular vote as well.

  2. I've heard rumors that the plan is to stand up the Administration physically outside of DC and start cleaning house from there. Massive early voter turnout in Texas. My observation is that the level of enthusiasm indicated by lines around the polling places is not generated by Harris.

  3. If Trump has any sense at all, he will fire the heads of all the federal agencys plus all of their second and third in command. Fire the entire heads at the pentagon. Then establish a small group of known good and honorable men or women to vet all of his appointments.

    1. When north korea executes someone they take out 3 generations of the persons family to prevent any notion of retribution at the regimme Trump must fire federal bureaucracy in the same way. Broken sword exile.

  4. Nothing will instantly drastically change. The critical thinking, control freak Deep Staters are too well entrenched and have too much power. Meanwhile the peasants are too addicted to their emotionally reacting, instant gratification static lives satisfied by Bread & Circuses. BTW, any cultural change always comes slow enough to keep the social equilibrium. That cultural change currently is to reduce the “middle class” which the powers to be see as the major threat to their control. Thet’s why they’re importing millions of slobinos and attacking the middle-class protecting U.S. constitution.

  5. Start by moving the headquarters of the fbi , cia ,nsa to alaska. If they really want the job!!!

    1. Start by abolishing those and many many more.

    2. Remember when Trump attempted to move the Department of Agriculture to the Midwest and the entrenched D.C. bureaucrats threw an absolute hissy-fit?
      Liberal (and Federal employee) tears are so sweet.

  6. Trump is too nice, even to his enemies. We need scalps, prison terms and executions or nothing changes.


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