
Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Court dismisses couple’s lawsuit ‘with prejudice’ after police dispatched to wrong address fatally shot their dog

Dog owners in Texas who “did nothing wrong” cannot sue the City of Waco after police responding to a home invasion 911 call in June 2023 went to the wrong address, based on the erroneous autocorrected information they were given, and fatally shot Finn, the couple’s 10-year-old black Labrador retriever, a state appellate court has ruled.


  1. Shoot my dog? Might have immunity under the law, but no immunity

  2. The "law" may not provide a remedy but I sure can...
    WTF is wrong with Waco Tx.
    Is there something in the water there ??
    If something seriously fucked up happens in Texas there's a 99% chance it happened in Waco
    Fucking retards

    1. For some reason, the Feds love to do mass murders in Waco.

    2. Not just the feds, local PD is not known as the most honest, intelligent or trained blue line gang either

  3. Seems their lawyer screwed up (or they didn't have a lawyer).

    What a horrible story.

  4. ,“they did not plead or establish an independent constitutional waiver” of sovereign immunity nor establish jurisdiction. court speak for your not entitled enough to beat us down!

  5. This one reason why I have lost faith I Police

  6. I'm calling BS on the "autocorrect" excuse. Proper names (Capitalized) never get autocorrected. My name, Bryce, has never been changed to Bruce when typed into a computer. Same with street names...Firth Street doesn't magically become First Street. Dispatcher messed up.
    Also...cops should always have a pocket full of dog treats. Encountered some pretty scary dogs when I worked in the hood but a Milkbone or 2 almost always de-escelated the situation.

  7. Tannerite dog-shaped lawn decorations may be the coming thing.....invest now!

  8. Don’t know that Waco has become Wacko…. But Austin anymore can mimic left coast loonyness quite often….

    The only good thing about Austin anymore, is that it’s surrounded by Texas…

  9. because black labs are known for being vicious. I have it on good authority that there are documented cases of labrador retrievers licking victims to death, or wagging their tails so furiously that hospitalization was required.

    1. We have a black lab mix and I'm sometimes worried that she's going to get "Happy tail" syndrome. That's when they wag their tails so hard that they thump it against stuff and hurt or break their tail. It's actually a thing with some dogs, and they're frequently the best dogs you can have.

  10. Sue the dispatcher?

  11. Replies
    1. Yes! I was thinking the same thing. John Wick knew how to handle the situation.

  12. So they and everyone that read this story just learned a valuable lesson, there is NO Justice in this country anymore. Doesn't matter what state you live in. Now the question is, what do they do. Sit back and whine or bitch about this being unfair? Or do they play by the clearly stated new systems rules of "No Rule of Law" for actions done to the citizens in the FUSA and respond properly???
    I believe in playing by the rules of the game, whether they like it or not. If there are no rules or repercussions to actions of some then these rules apply to all and that's fine for me. Let the hunger games begin......

    1. Rules? What rules?

      They have addresses, they have wife's and husbands. They shop for groceries the same places you do. Kids go to the same school.

      1. Print up a ton of "dog killer" wanted posters, put them up on every light pole near where they live.

      2 full page ad in local paper, pic and name of dog killing cop, his Sargeant and his partner.

      3 big yard sign

      4 work on alibi

  13. I wonder what would happen if a SWAT Team was accidentally sent to the home of a cop?
    If they shot the family dog, or worse, what would be the result?
    "Oh well, we messed up. Sorry."

  14. When the "legal" system refuses to provide justice for citizens that leaves only one type of justice available for them....the vigilante type.

    1. Indeed. My thought exactly. Cop has to take his uniform off at some point.

      There are many ways to exact revenge.

      See also "Dirty Deeds Done dirt Cheap" as a starting point for the list.

      My dogs are my family. You'd encounter lead at some ling distance as my "sister whispered in your ear"....
      But before that, you'd find broken ribs, broken hands, broken teeth. I'd make sure you lived in pain. You'd limp until I chose to make sure you never walked again.

      If the law won't make it right, then the citizens must.

  15. The only comment I could add would have the local 5-0 at my door at zero dark thirty tomorrow morning. So I'll be quiet.

  16. This from a group that treats their own dogs with the title of "officer" and gives them full color funeral processions when they die, be it peacefully or "in the line of duty." And if you kill one of their mutts?.......doesn't matter if it was accidental or not, your ass is fucked.


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