
Tuesday, October 29, 2024

What if Harris Gets Away with It?

On November 5, the American experiment in republican government may well come to an end. Over the past two decades we have been living through a slow-motion Communist revolution. Acts of political warfare have become commonplace. The most devastating has been the corruption of our election system.

Having vilified President Trump more than any man in American history, the American Communists and their allies in the Democratic Party (and the Communist world abroad) may well be able to steal the 2024 election. One thing needs to be made clear: if this happens, they will have created an ungovernable country.


  1. Then it's totally broken beyond repair and a separation with DC needs to happen, on good terms or not..

    1. I'm more of the rope-tree opinion myself.

    2. Your terms are acceptable.

    3. I’ve saying for four years that this is the only way forward. I’m pretty sure my governor has the stones to do it.

    4. He's right, you know... (RickeyG)

    5. ColdSoldier
      I live in the boot down by the gulf and I'm pretty sure your governor is also my governor...

    6. Yep JD. 10 miles south of Baton Rouge and so far Jeff Landry has impressed me.

    7. ColdSoldier
      Cool, I'm southwest of you, down the bayou between Thibodeaux and Houma area..
      I totally agree Gov. Landry has been worth every donation and time spent helping his campaign . Really looking forward to the future of our state.

  2. Then you have a harlot who rode a "beast system" with not one public vote to the position of ultimate power.

  3. I was born to be a warrior. Do not piss me off.

  4. In a Trump victory, I am expecting violence by the likes of the antifa-crats, remnants of BLM and thugs-for-hire in general. There have been rumors in the internets for months about "military age males" that have come across the border in droves and possibly some type of coordinated attacks. Keep you eyes open, do an area study, have some stocks of supplies.

    1. To anyone who doubts your expectation of violence, I suggest that you recall for them video of the violence from the likes of the "peaceful protesters" eight years ago.

  5. We all know that nothing will happen until we have absolutely nothing left to loose. Maybe in another 4 years…. Maybe in 8. I hate to think this way about it, but that’s the reality of our situation. I could be wrong though. Every time I think I know how things will play out I’m thrown a curveball. Keep your powder dry boys.

  6. Voting is the circus part of the Bread & Circuses meant to keep the peasants distracted from the politicians fucking them. If voting was effective the Deep State Democrats & Republicans would make it illegal.

  7. This article is spot on!

  8. To fix it, it must be broken. They want it broken. Please deeply consider what this implies, and what happens after, because they have. Which of us, us or them, holds the initiative now? Who holds the trigger to the less tasty options coming? Have they gamed out and allocated responses to their inputs? Consider they have sharpened their game plan over the last few iterations across generations. Their last great success was USSR, and it lasted 70 years. Maybe this is their endgame, maybe not. Maybe only 140 years this time. It was so much fun, let's do it again, but with better tech, and no adversary.

  9. Most people are ALL talk.
    Just saying.

    1. 100% of these readers haha

    2. Mr haha (formerly Mr lmao), YOU'RE one of my readers. You're here every day, ya fucking troll, and that's all you do is talk. I get more entertainment from your dumbass juvenile comments than I do my regular commenters.

  10. If The Cackler does win, any ideas of where to emigrate to?

    1. There's not really anyplace for Americans to go. Most countries hate America and Americans; many will keep a happy face until Uncle Sam's money runs out ... then it's like an old Eddie Murphy (I think) routine of old black men around white folk compared to old black men when whitey isn't around. Here we stay; it's whether you want to defend the hill you find yourself on

    2. Cheating isn't a win. There can only be one win in this election; that belongs to Trump. Any other result is by cheat.
      It would be the ultimate, the very last fraud.

      We're already at war. Its just that the wide scale shooting hasn't started. The open hostilities, the kicking in doors, the patently false accusations, arrests, and incarcerations are already here.

    3. The idea of foreigners just dropping into other countries is idiotic. We hate it when people do it to us; we shouldn’t do it to others.

  11. It burns no matter which puppet is installed.

  12. Maybe the US population will storm the castle finally. Only hope there would be left. Unless SMOD enters the picture, that would change a lot of things in a hurry.

  13. "Violence is not an option."

    I disagree. Violence is always an option.


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