
Thursday, October 03, 2024

Defending J.D. Vance

One of the many left-wing lines of attack against vice-presidential nominee J.D. Vance is that he’s “not authentic.” Biden’s former press secretary Jen Psaki recently used those words when she warned that “the American public can sniff inauthenticity.”

They certainly can. So by all means let’s discuss J.D. Vance, his liberal critics, and the issue of authenticity.


  1. Vance could've been MUCH stronger in that "debate." Though he clearly won by not showing himself to be "pure stupid" like Walz did, Vance could've BURIED Walz and not left a trace on the ground. He didn't do that. Maybe he was playing it safe, knowing all he needed to do was let Walz' idiot light shine, but I for one was truly disappointed. He came across as a RINO to me...

  2. Not Authentic. This is the bunch that thinks men can pretend to be women and women men.

  3. Jen Psaki sniffed inauthentically.

  4. I don't know how you get more authentic than growing up in Appalachia with no dad, a drug addict mother, and a mean, nutty though loving grandma. The Harvard-ites must have a lock on authenticity.

  5. I think that it was important to come across different, more affable than "Rottweiler" Trump. He came across as smart, polite and considerate. Found points to agree with Waltz but didnt give away too much. He gained more than he lost by not going "scorched earth".


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