
Monday, October 28, 2024

‘Federal law requires voters to take timely steps to vote’: Trump-appointed panel on Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rules that ballots must be received by Election Day

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday evening ruled that a Mississippi state law allowing ballots to be received and counted after Election Day is in violation of federal law, in what could amount to a last-minute rule change for the upcoming general election.


Good. If they're going to insist on mail-in voting, the ballots should be there on Election Day to prevent ballot box stuffing. It's not like this shit snuck up on anybody, so there's no excuse for not mailing it off in a timely manner.

1 comment:

  1. Irving J. ItchuballsOctober 28, 2024 at 11:04 AM

    Dems have to know how many votes they'll need after election day to assure "victory" by counting the "votes" they got after election day.....Good old "democracy" in action....


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