
Friday, October 25, 2024

Great big balls

For decades, a growth the size of a large melon made Raymondo Okir’s life miserable. Okir, who lives in a village in northern Uganda, first noticed the swelling around his genitalia in 1983. Within a year, the mass had grown large enough that he developed back pain and found it hard to wear trousers and to have sexual relations with his wife.


  1. With out a photo, what's the point?

  2. I blame it on the way that governments react to a problem. When it became known that DDT was harmful to some wildlife and caused Eagle egg shells to become too thin and getting crushed by nesting birds, instead of just stopping it's use where it was causing harm, the government simply forced it to stop being produced.
    The one chemical that was the most useful in killing mosquitoes and they forced it to disappear. So now we have some 1 million deaths in the world each year, many of them just children.


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