
Thursday, October 24, 2024

How a Crosby Shackle Is Made

We visited Kito Crosby’s flagship plant in Longview, TX, to see firsthand the shackle forging process. This video reveals every step of Crosby shackle manufacturing, from raw steel billets to finished, safety-critical hardware.

🔧 Watch the full process:
  • Engineering and die manufacturing
  • Closed die drop hammer forging
  • Heat treatment for optimal strength
  • Rigorous testing and quality control
  • Finishing and assembly

VIDEO HERE  (17:10 minutes)


  1. I became a crane rigger for National Steel and Shipbuilding, San Diego, in '75. Been using and owning Crosby shackles the rest of my life. Between ship yards, tree service and off roading from the 70's on, I've been rigging some FUBAR shit my whole life. Useful skill.

  2. They are also critical for shipboard operations!

  3. Does the EPA and OSHA know you are making a product in the US? They will shut this schiff down and give you a list of options from china.

  4. Great video. I'll never look at a shackle the same again.

  5. Even worse, their shackles actually _exceed_ their rated load limits.
    Used them as a crane operator on offshore drilling rigs in the GOM, and on my own boats.
    John in Indy

    1. I use Crosby shackles almost every day. Great pieces of rigging

    2. When did Kito buy them out? At least they are still built in the US.
      Steve M

    3. Back in my young roustabout days I would come home from a 14 day hitch sometimes and hardly be able to open and close my hands because of the constant use of those shackles.

  6. cool video , i ran across it a couple days ago and I kind of went down that rabbit hole a bit. rigging is interesting to me .

  7. If you want to test yourself take their online rigging course and test. You gotta get 100% to pass. Not easy for me. Was $15 when I did it.


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