
Thursday, October 31, 2024

'Mostly peaceful' celebrations

World Series celebrations descended into chaos in the early hours of Thursday morning in Los Angeles, with shops being looted by gangs and fireworks thrown at cops in the street.

The LAPD shared a video of people rushing out of Nike stores stealing boxes, while a bus was burnt down near Dodger Stadium. Nobody was believed to be hurt.


If they'll do this over a game, think about what they'll do when Trump wins the election


  1. Isn't that what was expected in cities anymore.

  2. This is a great time to not live in a city.

  3. There was a World Series? Guess I had more important things on my mind - like staring at the wall.

  4. How about when their welfare cards go out?

  5. “They” do this whether their team wins or loses, or for any reason or no reason! The only way to solve the looting problem is to do what the sheriffs in the Florida counties affected by Helene did, and that is declare open season on the looters. Most of the would-be looters have enough sense torealize that they will get shot.

    1. Yep, like Grady said, "we have guns and enjoy utilizing them" right after our guard dogs have a piece of 'em first.

  6. This story is another example of why I firmly believe the planet will only become inhabitable when the human species goes extinct.

  7. Shoot low!

    Chutes Magoo

  8. "If they'll do this over a game, think about what they'll do when Trump wins the election"
    And we all know who the media will blame: Trump, because it is HIS fault that the election was stolen. Again.

  9. I don't get why a group of people so opposed to slavery want sneakers made by slaves.

    1. Imagine how exhausting it would have been to make black slaves work. Your whip arm would be YUGE.

    2. Oh, but that's different. You see, the slaves making the shoes they'll pay hundreds of dollars for (at least when they aren't stealing them) aren't "their people", so that makes it ok. Or something.

    3. How many sneakers were stolen vs. work boots?

  10. The Amish "teens" would be the first ones to implement slavery if they could be massa

  11. Funny, I don't remember this happening after "The miracle on ice" back in 1980 and that was
    far more epic than the Dodgers winning the WS. 44 years ago, and just look at the progress they've made.
    - WDS

  12. Nike stores, must be white kids again

  13. take black male out of the crime stats and there is no crime. doing their best to make sure the numbers stay up.

  14. Think about what all of the sub species will do when the economy collapsed, the EBT cards aren't working and there's no food in the stores.


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