
Thursday, October 31, 2024

Commentary: Secularists vs. People of Faith

An amazing thing is happening in the 2024 presidential campaign. Religious beliefs and hostility toward religion are playing bigger roles than in any election in modern times.

Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz represent the anti-religious ticket. Their past actions and current statements communicate clear opposition to, and disdain for, religion in ways which would have been unthinkable a decade ago.

It is an odd campaign decision to be so openly hostile to religion in a country in which people of faith outnumber secularists by 3:1.


  1. I don't do the religion thing but I'm not hostile to it as long as we can agree to disagree.... Unfortunately many religious people can't do that. They have to try to convert and if they can't then it's name calling time, yea that never works..... Whatever ...

    1. Anon. I pray that Jesus would show you how valuable you are to him. I believe and know that you were created in God's image and he loves you very much. I also pray that you would meet some Christians that would meet you where you are at and treat you with the same value that Jesus values you. Jesus did not come here to pass judgment, only to fulfill God's love and grace for all.

    2. Anon, I hope you cross paths with some Christians who will not judge. I hope they will meet you where you are at. Jesus came not to judge but to fulfill God's grace. I believe that you were created in God's image and know that He values and loves you.

    3. Steve
      I'm 66 years old and have never been religious, never saw a need for it and truthfully believe nobody else needs it either but I don't put myself in their place so..
      Respectfully none of it makes sense to me, a non superstitious man, so while I'm for giving you free will to believe whatever you want I want the same to believe or not for myself.
      It's not hard to understand

    4. John 3:17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him.

      Until he comes again and brings judgment.

    5. Anonymous @ 4:29 & 5:57
      As I said before, the religious just can't stand the fact that not everyone believes in or needs a
      Boogeyman, Bigfoot or need some supernatural nonsense in their life... They just can't stand it and have to push their fears and suspicions onto others..
      I was respectful but no, just gotta push their bullshit... Are you happy now assholes ??

  2. Please do realize that they hate religion, but they will NEVER say that about Islam.

  3. Who ever said Demonrats were smart at Demographics. Their logic, if one can call it that, speaks further to the notion that they cheat to win.


  4. By which account we can no doubt throw out that old and treasured saying, "Winners never cheat and cheaters never win!" It is now Bizzaro World, no?

  5. The Democrat Anti- Religion drive during this election period is known as a "Hail Mary" play.

  6. Kamala and Walz and most of the Democratic elite are very anti-Christian.

    But the Commie-Pope says Trump is the threat.


  7. The hillbilly Christian church I was raised in - Presbyterian, not Baptist - supports Harris/Walz. I've not supported that branch of religion in decades.


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