
Thursday, October 31, 2024

Epic Trump

Donald Trump trolled President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris by riding a MAGA garbage truck to his rally in Wisconsin on Wednesday night in response to President Joe Biden's gaffe. 

'How do you like my garbage truck? This truck is in honor of Kamala and Joe Biden,' he told reporters in Green Bay with just six days until what could be one of the closest elections in history.


  1. Trump is having the time of his life mocking the Angry Joe & Kamila the Hoe team assholes. Hell, I'd vote for Don not just because he has a great grasp on reality, but because he has a fantastic sense of humor.

  2. Trump in a garbage truck, how rich.

    1. I KNOW!!! Honoring those that do an honest day's work!

    2. Trump in the front, Kamala in the back...

  3. Master level trolling 💪
    Trump, Trump, Trump

  4. I personally wrote shit-head joe at the white house and called him a maggot-incrusted garbage can. Then I told him he's a fucking asshole. I think he forgot...

  5. I noticed ABC conveniently left most of the picture out. They
    called it "truck" and just showed the cab

  6. I think it will take an act of God to get Trump back into the white house. The cheat is strong.

    1. I agree and it is not just cheating we have to worry about. Should be win, I think there will be a few different attacks from Congress and others. They will do any and everything to keep him out of the WH.

  7. Joe Apostrophe Biden

  8. Two predictions seem common - no in-between. Blowout or too close to call. Even at this late date, I'm not convinced the ticket on Nov 5 will have both or either candidate alive. Plenty of time for the black swans to come swooping in. I might be wrong; hate to think of what happens if I'm correct.

  9. Trump - The Happy Warrior.


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