
Monday, October 14, 2024

Social Security’s scheduled cost of living increase ‘won’t make a dent’ for some retirees

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sherri Myers, an 82-year-old resident of Pensacola City, Florida, says the Social Security cost-of-living increase she’ll receive in January “won’t make a dent” in helping her meet her day-to-day expenses.

“Inflation has eaten up my savings,” she said. “I don’t have anything to fall back on — the cushion is gone.” So even with the anticipated increase she’s looking for work to supplement her retirement income, which consists of a small pension and her Social Security benefits.


  1. Come on now!
    Stop yer bitchin' !
    Just open a credit card in the name of your grandchildren; they'll pay it off.
    (Lesson learned from the government).

  2. Any SS increase will be taken away by the increase for Medicare. But Big Sister can print up a few trillion more $'s to give away to the world, Ukraine, crimmigrants, and all the indigenous freeloaders. That oughta fix it.

  3. As near as I can tell my SS will increase 9.67%. The total increases since 2021 have been about 14.9%. Not even close to the buying power of my SS in 2020 dollars.

    According to .gov the CPI calculated inflation since 2021 has been 19.8% but the CPI does NOT include food and energy, the two hardest hit categories of the real inflation numbers. In 2023 food was over 15% and Energy was over 53%, that's just 2023, when the CPI inflation rate was supposed to be 4.1%.

    So as long as I don't drive, heat or cool my home, use hot water or cook, turn on a light or use my fridge, I should be fine.

  4. Yup. My "raise" last year bumped me out of the real estate tax discount zone in my county, so I actually went backwards with my monthly income. Not to mention the cost of food. FJB & FKH.

  5. I don't know how folks do it on SS alone. It's a damn shame we paid in all those years and we get a pittance in return. I started paying in at fourteen.


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