
Monday, October 21, 2024

The Mini-14: A Cost-Effective Scaled-Down M14

 The Ruger Mini-14 is certainly not a “forgotten” weapon, but I think there are some valuable insights to be taken from it. As a company, Ruger has an outstanding track record of making not flashy and exciting guns, but rather guns that are economical and dependable. The Mini-14 is an excellent example of that, with hundreds of thousands sold since its introduction in 1972. So today we will take a look at how Jim Sullivan simplified the M14 design when he scaled it down to 5.56mm for Ruger, and how the company used its investment casting expertise to further reduce production costs.

VIDEO HERE  (14:23 minutes)


  1. Keep one in the barn with an eotech. The stainless/synthetic combo is perfect. Rugaer makes a good gun.

  2. I have shot a few. They are dependable. They are economical. They are not exactly military spec accurate however. I find with ruger, you can get lucky sometimes and get one that is very accurate too.

  3. I've got two of them. I've heard about the piss poor accuracy for 50 years. I've owned mine for about 30 years and in that time they have always been able to put 10/10 on an 8" paper plate at 100 yd. if I can do my part.
    That may not be accurate enough for some, but that does everything I need.

    1. Install an AccuStrut and you can easily cut those groups in half.

    2. Now that you mention it, I remember seeing one of those a long time ago and have forgotten about it. I always thought it was a gimmick.

    3. Nope, no gimmick. It did wonders for mine.

    4. WC: thanks for the reference. I will likely pick one up before the next two weeks happen. Then it is off to the range to make sure my sights work. Woo hoo!

  4. my Mini-14 shoots 1/2" MOA, but I've accurized it, and reload.

    not a rifle to recommend out of the box. I just happen to like the way it fits me, and didn't mind putting the work into it.

  5. This Is A Gun For REAL Patriots Unlike That Mattel CRAP-15! Plus The Easiest Magazines To Get For It Hold 10 Rounds Who Needs More Than 10 Rounds To Fight An F-15 Or A Nuke?

  6. Got my first one around 1984. Considered it my first rifle purchase though I owned a 10/22 for several years prior. Got a Ranch Rifle version a few years after those came out. I prefer the Mini-14 to the no-frills Bushmaster AR-15 I got in the mid 90s. I need to look at some modern AR platforms, but the M1A is my favorite rifle by far, followed by the Mini-14.

  7. May, 1990. The last NRA Convention in California.
    I get there and there are dozens of protesters outside. I figure anti-2A idiots but they weren't. They were protesting Bill Ruger and his sellout to the recently passed Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons ban. Bill made a backroom deal to keep the Mini14 off the ban list...

  8. I replaced the original synthetic stock on mine with an A-Team folding stock. I was surprised how light it shoots. I expected the metal butt plate to make it uncomfortable, but it's not at all. Hell, my AR kicks more.

  9. I got my Mini 30 during the wildly popular Clinton AWB. (Price has more than doubled since then.)
    Stainless 189 series Ranch Rifle, wooden stock, early profile barrel. I mounted a Bushnell red dot in the factory rings and touched up the trigger a bit.
    It gets mostly Chicom milsurp and Russian steel case ammo, occasionally some brass case. I find Wolf sometimes fails to ignite.
    No significant feeding issues but factory 20 rd. mags seem more reliable than the 5 rd. mags.
    Barrel gets pretty toasty...
    I never expected supreme accuracy, so I was not disappointed.
    It is a fun blaster.

    A source for Mini upgrades:

    1. The price has not doubled for a mini 30. The value Of our dollars has been halved.

  10. I am so glad to see others that like the Mini 14. I have a 195 series Mini 14, about 20 years or so. Barrel is trashed so I am sending it to Accuracy Systems Inc. in Colorado for some custom work, including ultra match Krieger barrel. I got trigger upgrades, adjustable gas block and some other upgrades for my recent model stainless steel Mini 30. They also offer caliber changes. Getting .223 Wylde for my 14, possibly 6mm ARC for the 30 after the election if I don't need to put the mini 30 into use.

    Since the Mini 14 was my very 1st rifle, there is something nostalgic about it and I am willing to spend a little more on it. It will look more like a hunting rifle than a terrifying assault rifle with the beautiful laminated stock. ASI also has a .300 Ham'r option which looks intriguing as well - I may try that out later.

    Anyway, Carl at ASI specializes in the Mini's. Check out the website. He has all kinds of parts for the mini's and is Certified by Ruger.Lot's of pictures of his work as well.

    If you love the Mini - you'll love ASI's website.


    1. ASI did a trigger job on my several years ago that I'm still well pleased with. They were fast, too.

  11. Why better than a mini-thirty?

  12. Bought my first one in 1980...a paratrooper style with the folding stock. Came with the standard wood stock also. Since then have picked up a couple more. A perfectly acceptable firearm. Some have had accuracy issues but they are still a well made Ruger product. Harder to get mags for than the AR but worth owning.

  13. I have 3 of them. Great guns for home defense within 100 yards. If y'all decide to get one, upgrade the iron sights with TechSights, much better & easier to adjust than stock. I have an Ultimak rail on two of mine and run red dots on all three. Ruger factory 20 round magazines are a must have as well - as many as you can afford.

    1. How is a 5.56 rifle just a 100 yard gun? What am I missing?

    2. Mine has a bent barrel or some other reason it runs out of windage past 100 yards.


  14. The one I bought shot 1foot high at 25 yrds with the rear sight buried as low as it would go. I returned to the shop within the week and returned/upgraded to my 1st AR…which was a MAJOR upgrade from that miniturd.


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