
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Top 5 Guns to Consider Before the Election

As we careen the 2024 election, we will soon know if we can begin to afford groceries again or need to prepare for WW3. 

As always, that means discussions around gun ownership and Second Amendment rights are heating up again. Eric from Iraqveteran8888 recently shared his top five recommended firearms to consider purchasing before the election, and in this companion article, we’ll explore his insights further, keeping things straightforward for anyone interested in securing these vital tools for self-defense and preparedness.


While I agree with most of his list, I'd substitute a full sized Ruger or Marlin 22LR for his first choice.


  1. Buying these before the election seems like a stretch. I see the cost of some of these choices and had to gasp. While it might be nice to pay over 2 grand for an AR 15 and some of these guns, the fact is that with the past 4 years we don't have the money to spare for this sort of spending.
    Also I never saw the utility of the Scorpion pistols. And the same for the short stock shotguns.

  2. I think I have 4 or five of each type and caliber mentioned and a lot of crazy stuff in between. Thought about blowing the rest of my savings on hookers and blow, but I’ve been wasting a lot on groceries lately. Eod1sg Ret

  3. My list is different but almost the same just with different brands:
    AR pistol in 9mm using Glock magazines 11" barrel
    Glock 17 9mm or PSA Dagger full size
    Remington 78 or 700 in 30-06 bolt action
    Remington 870 12 gauge w/ bird's head grip and extended tube magazine and 18.5" barrel
    CZ 58 w/ side folder stock
    Bonus: Bushmaster AR-15

  4. Have always hated the way Glocks felt in my hand. I view guns the way I view work boots, get what fits.

    1. Grip angle is wrong, makes my head explode. Glock fanbois will chime in with why it's better...

    2. Glock is not "better" rather they just work. Get what you like.


  5. I reckon most visitors to this site already have their hardware and related gear sorted.
    I might suggest-
    A reliable handgun in an effective caliber.
    A carbine in the caliber of your choice.
    A repeating shotgun.
    A .22 caliber rifle.
    An accurate bolt action rifle if deemed necessary.

    Backup, spares, duplicates etc are likely to come in handy.

  6. i always wanted a glock until i had one. i couldnt get rid of that POS fast enough, i bought a beretta and have never looked back.

    1. Glocks are such pieces of shit for working all the time.

  7. remember guys, its always about shot placement. i can't think of any good reason to have a short barrel rifle/pistol that shoots in the 8-10 MOA range. why shoot 30 rounds in the hope of hitting your target when one will do just fine. thats just me. if you kill just one, word will get around quickly not to come to your house after dark.

  8. I have all the calibers covered. I have never understood how the Glock got so popular. But I have several 9’s. Better than guns is ammo. That is what I intend to get more of before the ballon goes up. We will see what happens in a few days.

  9. Sorry, but I don't have over $5k laying around unspoken for and I doubt many others have it as well. Step out of fantasy land

    1. Um, I don't think he was saying you need to buy all of them.

    2. Yeah, most of us, over the course of our interest in the various shooting disciplines, have checked all the boxes in the video many years ago…. plus a few that weren’t mentioned.

    3. Agreed. As stated previously, "most here already have their hardware", etc. In case someone doesn't or know someone who is lacking and looking to buy, I have seen some decent buys on Ruger 10/22s and Mossberg Pump shotguns (both in the $260 range). There have been some good suggestions, but don't forget medications, water, food, ammo, radio, binos, light sources, cash, etc. Things will probably become hairy regardless of who wins (Heaven only knows when) and shortages are possible.

    4. Jeffery - don't forget soap. Disease through poor hygiene is real and it's killed more people than war.
      Ivory soap is cheap as hell, but most people don't have more than a couple bars in their house.

  10. I’ve got no 9mm’s……
    subbed in 45ACP, 45LC/410, and 7.62x25…..
    I’m happy with my choices.

  11. If you don't own 3 out of 5 after 20 years of a lot of good folks warning you to acquire these weapons along with the ammo to fit or the likes thereof, it just might be too late. But the next best thing to get ready is to start working at it today.

  12. No shit, if you need to buy anything lethal in the next two weeks, you are not invited to any of my parties.

  13. Yeah.... The PG Mossberg and the scorpion are just plain stupid on a "must have" list. The rest of the choices scream "I have a sponsorship and need to make sales".

    1. The Scorpion, as well as the SP5/MP5 are designed for suppressive fire in a close range engagement and are far more accurate than any pistol you will ever encounter. Add a legal binary trigger and you’ll have some impressive fire power. And they’re just fun to shoot. Eod1sg Ret

    2. I absolutely want to hump more than a rifle and a pistol in a SHTF scenario because they're "fun to shoot"....

  14. Did it occur to anyone that this retarded article was planted by the fed bois?

    1. No, not when the author has 2.74 million subscribers on youtube and the article was posted by the Editor in Chief of the linked site.

    2. The charger is a fine choice, *if* you run a pistol brace on it. Accurate as hell, lightweight, and easy to shoot. I've had one since SB came out with the Chassis/Brace combo for it prior to the atf having a fit.

  15. I'm with you Ken. The Model 60 or 10/22 are a must have.
    Then a good quality 12 gauge - 500 or 870 with real furniture.
    A reliable pistol in a common caliber you shoot well with. I like 1911's but own a Glock.
    A reliable MBR in a common caliber. 6.5 Grendel is going to be scarce come SHTF.
    A quality deer rifle in a common caliber.
    Lots of spare parts, magazines, and ammo for what you have. Along with quality optics.
    Basically, everything Walter said earlier.
    My particular choices are based around what I figure my enemies will be using and resupplying off of their corpses. Nothing I have is Soviet or Chinese. Draw from that, what you may.

    Whitehall, NY

  16. Well, his general list , some kind of a .22 rifle an AR15 , a Glock 9 a bolt action in .308 and a 12 gauge Pump with a shiny finish ? ok I guess , probably not what I would suggest , but to each their own.

  17. I bought the PG Mossberg Marine in 2008 when it looked like the Kenyan was heading for the WH. After shooting several rounds, I added a Stoeger Coach gun. At my advanced age, I'm glad I did. That Mossy is tough to hold onto.

    1. Put a butt stock on it, they're cheap and easy to replace.

  18. I also laid up (after checking zero) some of the PSA "poors" ARs. For the neighbors that I trust who have a pistol only in their house. They be wanting to secure our hood when the shit starts.

  19. The only three I would change is swap out the bolt gun for something like a Ruger SFAR or AR-10, the Mossberg is great, but get it with the 'flex' system (mossbergs adaptable stock system) or a folding stock. And swap the CZ scorpion (much as I love CZs) for a 9mm AR type pistol that takes Glock mags.


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