
Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Walz says "Electoral College needs to go,"

In a California fundraiser hosted at Gov. Gavin Newsom's home Tuesday in Sacramento, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz advocated for doing away with the Electoral College system, stating that "we need a national popular vote."


  1. If anyone hasn’t yet figured out that Walz is a stupid, incompetent idiot, then they deserve the “democratic socialist state” he (and all democrats) advocate/s, rather than our functional constitutional republic. And FJB, FKH, and especially FBHO.

  2. If I was part of the party with massive election fraud, I would want to get rid of the electoral college too. Create millions of ballots for 3-4 cities and you have won the election.

  3. Which would mean that about 6 states would elect the President and the rest of us could stay home.

  4. All you have to do is pass an amendment to the Constitution with a 3/4 majority and then get it ratified by 38 states. Go for it! Democrats only like democracy when it gives them the results they want.

  5. Democrats HAVE a popular vote: they get to VOTE for their candidate.

  6. Presidential elections are already a popular vote, much like voting for the homecoming queen and king in high school. We don't directly vote for the President. That is what the Electoral Vote is about, do way with populism, the majority +1 vote...

  7. Bardelys the MagnificentOctober 9, 2024 at 12:22 PM

    The electoral college doesn't have to go, but the 19th certainly does.

  8. What really needs to go is about 80% of the current Federal bureaucracy.

  9. That compulsive liar that stands for a lawless society needs to go f himself. As soon as the dems are done repealing the 2nd Amendment and the 1st, they can start the process for eliminating the Electoral College. Might as well go all the way, and amend the Constitution to allow illegals to vote, give democratic presidential executive orders the same status as laws passed by Congress, etc.

  10. Yeah, let's do away with the Electoral College so we can experience a Tyranny of the Majority.

    Five or six states would dominate the presidential elections and the rest would be told to "Go Eff Yourself".

    We've seen some of this at the state level after the Reynolds v Sims Supreme Court decision that made states de facto Tyrannies of the Majority.


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