
Wednesday, October 09, 2024

FEMA Inspector Warns: $750 Disaster Relief is a Loan—Failure to Repay Will Lead to Property Seizure

A shocking revelation has surfaced: according to a FEMA inspector, the $750 relief payment isn’t a grant—it’s actually a loan. Buried in the fine print, nearly impossible to spot without a magnifying glass, are strings attached that could catch unsuspecting recipients off guard.


  1. gee, and they wonder why damn near everyone hates their ass too .
    the thing is, if they start pushing this shit in the hills down there, there a very good chance a lot of them assholes will go missing. and they don't play "nice'
    with assholes from the Govt trying to fuck them over.
    I sure enough of the old timers still remember how it used to be back then.
    from the gov't point of view it makes sense to delay aid to that area as they have a history of standing up to the clowns and assholes from the Gov't trying to force them to do what they do not want to do. and they thought fighting the Afghans was bad, they haven't seen anything yet if the hill folk get started

  2. do the invaders have to pay the money back too

  3. The former Fema fellow is probably right...BUT POST THE LANGUAGE. Straight out of the document. I don't believe the government without clear evidence, and that also applies to former government, never government, and aliens from Mars. Show me the language.

    1. Me either. If it's real, then post the language in the document. I'm not believing some faceless person on tik tok. This crap is getting ridiculous. There's enough real evil stuff happening that people don't need to be making stuff up. Stop it!

  4. Somewhat related. Spartanburg, SC sheriff Wright is a standup guy:

  5. Can they not take the $ and keep the land? asking for a friend. It is so terribly sad

    1. Ask the people around Oak Ridge Tennessee that lost their land to the Manhattan Project.

  6. But the government can give ILLEGALS tens of thousands of dollars. Give , not a loan!!!

  7. Here's a list of all the foreign nations sending us aid for the hurricanes.

    - WDS

    1. I know of only one country that has ever sent us money during a disaster: Japan. During Hurricane Katrina, Japan sent a whole 500k. Big Fing deal!

  8. The giveaway is the comment about the text being so small you need a magnifying glass to read it. Like a couple of others here, include the actual text from the document.

    Michael in Nelson

  9. Hey Kenny,

    Remember "Cash For Clunkers?" Yeah, that bit people the following year, it was counted as "income" and screwed up peoples taxes.....nothing from the government is "free"

    1. Bush did something like that too, 600 bucks to get things moving again, and the next year you paid for that 600 bucks too at tax time. if you a taxpayer, nothing is free from your Gov't. but if you illegal, you get all sorts of free shit paid by the taxpayer.

  10. "Golly gee, one minute, the bureaucrats were standing next to the mudslide, and the next minute, they just disappeared... darnedest thing!"


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