
Thursday, October 17, 2024

Why Everyone Loves/Hates the 1911

Not many guns can evoke the kind of strong emotions the 1911 does. Whether you love it or hate it, chances are, you have an opinion. Today, we're digging into how the 1911 became such a big part of gun culture and why it's a  polarizing topic even 110 years after its invention.

VIDEO HERE   (11:33 minutes)


I carry a compact 1911. I carry one because the grip angle feels right to me, the grip size fits my hand well, I love the trigger, and most importantly, I can hit with it all day long. I see no sense in retraining myself with another type of handgun just so I can carry more (but smaller) cartridges.
It's pretty much a matter of what a person is used to. The 1911 was what was available when I first thought about buying an automatic. Had I started on a Glock, I'd probably be carrying a Glock right now.


  1. The .45 ACP 1911. Because shooting twice is silly. (I had a tee shirt with that on the back until it faded away to nothing)

  2. Years ago I talking to my oldest son about the steyer scout rifle and made the statement I would never feel the need to apologize for bringing one to the party. 1911;same thing. Jeff Cooper once said the 1911 was the modern equivalent of the Roman short sword. I agree. I carry a glock g19 gen3 primarily because I can shoot the dots off a set of dice with it. Hits count.

  3. Based on the serial number, my M-1911 was manufactured in 1913. It shoots like it was made last week. And it hits and knocks down what it is aimed at. It is my "go to" weapon.

  4. I have a 1911, but carry a 9mm 92 FS, mainly because I’m used to it. But the 1911 is a pleasure to shoot.

  5. Was a fan... now the cost of oil is too high.

    Go ahead steal it for a meme

  6. Exactly Kenny. Didn’t shoot my first handgun until I was 25. Was trained on revolvers but quickly retrained on a Glock. That’s what I carry now because that’s what I’m comfortable with.

    I have nothing against a 1911. I’ve never shot one but I would like to. I’m even considering purchasing one once I finish my SHTF needs. I think they’re a beautiful and historic gun. I don’t know why people get so twisted over comparisons.

  7. Same thing with me - revolvers first, then automatics. I still carry a 357 on a regular basis.

  8. Traded a Ruger #3 in .45-70 for a Para C6.45 LDA because it felt natural and the lemmings in Minnesota frown on carrying a rifle around town.

    It felt as natural as when I shouldered my first Garand at a gun show.

    If it feels good, do it.


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