
Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Commentary: Trump’s Win Is a Victory for American Prosperity and Practical Energy Solutions

Donald Trump’s win is a big victory for the American energy industry and for all Americans. The climate crazed don’t want to recognize the fact that more than 80% of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuels – coal, oil, and natural gas. They don’t want to admit that the use of all three are at record highs and are continuing to grow. Or that a thriving economy needs reliable, affordable, and abundant energy. Because the cost of energy is built into everything that we do, consume or use, even watching Netflix.

False climate fear has been used to drive very destructive, expensive energy policies. Trump recognizes this is a  waste of money. Germany, Denmark, and the United Kingdom are farther down the path of adding wind and solar to their electric grids and their people are paying about triple our electric rates and theirs are climbing even higher. It is causing the deindustrialization of Germany.


  1. They are not fossil fuels, oil does not come from dead dinosaurs or decayed ocean beds. It is created in an underground adiabatic process. This is why dead oil fields in Texas after 30 years have refilled and are pumping again. The fake scarcity is a 135 year old propaganda campaign. We have not reached "peak oil" as it keeps getting produced by the earth. Also atmospheric CO2 is at a historically low level. We actually need more to support plant growth.


    1. Hush up Anon, Greta Thunberg might be monitoring this site

    2. My grandmother owned part of an oil well that dried up 35 years ago. I inherited ownership of it. Three years ago it was uncapped and is pumping oil again. I am getting $900 to $1140 a month from it now.

    3. That's not more oil being produced, but oil seeping through the rocks from where it has not been tapped yet. I get the impression that in most oil fields, it will take a century or more to get just half of the oil out. Fracking is an attempt to speed up that process by making bigger cracks in the rocks and pumping in solvents.

    4. Petroleum is the second most common liquid in or on the world. First one is water, of course.

  2. Another little ditty here:

  3. Not only are the crazy Euro's closing down their coal fired electric plants, they're also shutting down their nukes. Then, in an even more absurd twist, they contract with a known maniacal dictator for the natural gas to heat their homes, telling themselves that he'd never shut off the supply.

    Even more absurdly, they're doing this all because a teenaged truant said bad things about them IN PUBLIC.


    1. After the last four years of maniacal oligarchy, it’s rich hearing Americans call someone else a maniacal anything.

  4. I live in a state that has oilfields, pipelines and refineries. Oil and farming is the largest job providers as well as tax payers into our coffers... That said I'm not against "renewals" but I don't believe they are anywhere remotely adequate to provide the energy needed to power the economy of our country.. Just look at the situation in Texas when "renewables" failed and left so many in cold, powerless winter conditions... In other words
    Drill baby drill

  5. In the UK they are actually talking about planned rolling power cuts, so badly have our witless politicians screwed up our power supply. They are still trying to put the blame on Putin but the UK has plentiful supplies of natural gas which we don't use because fracking is a dirty word.

  6. "Donald Trump’s win is a big victory for the American energy industry and for all Americans."
    IF he doesn't have to fight the same coalition of Dems, RINOs and Swamp Creatures (some overlap) that he encountered during his first term.
    Also, fuck you Greta.

  7. "Earth Day" was a scam in 1970 and has only gotten worse since

  8. People also forget how many things are petroleum based. They need to look around their houses to see exactly what all is made with it starting with cellphones that everyone seems to be in love with.


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