
Tuesday, November 19, 2024

One step closer, thanks to Joe Biden

Ukraine has carried out its first strike on Russian territory with US-supplied long-range missiles just days after the Biden administration gave Kyiv the green light despite fears it could escalate the conflict beyond control. 

A fiery explosion at an ammunition depot in Karachev around 75 miles from the Ukrainian border in Russia's Bryansk region lit up the night sky early this morning on what is the 1,000th day of war in Ukraine.

Eyewitnesses along with Russian and Ukrainian military bloggers first reported the attack, with anonymous Ukrainian military officials later telling RBC Ukraine the strike was conducted with the US-manufactured ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System). 


And then this morning:
President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday signed a revised nuclear doctrine declaring that a conventional attack on Russia by any nation that is supported by a nuclear power will be considered a joint attack on his country.


  1. OMG Ukraine can fire a missile into Russia!! That isn't fair. Only Russia should be allowed to attack and Ukraine should just sit there and take it.

    1. You missed the entire fucking point, didn't you?
      Not my country, not my war - until Biden pushes it.

    2. Anon,
      You sound like your mother and father were sister and brother first.
      As you apparently cannot read, and probably need a sippy cup, I can translate for you: Putin's Millitary doctrine is to--possibly--respond with a nuclear attack on Ukraine, and how does NATO respond? Ukraine is NOT OUR COUNTRY, they are not even an ally. I really hope you are an only child.
      -Just a chemist

    3. Oh mighty Brainiac, you are missing the point. These missiles cannot be fired only by Ukraine into the sovereign state of Russia. In order to make these particular missiles fly into Russia requires the ACTIVE participation of the US.

      Which means the US is firing missiles into Russia.

      What do you think we would have done if, say, Iran assisted Iraq in firing missiles into the continental US?

      That's kinda a defacto act of war.

    4. The point is that it was an AMERICAN missile that Zelenskyy fired 75 miles into Russia.
      Too bad you don't grasp the gravity of that little detail, Anon.

    5. Biden gave these missiles to Ukraine. These aren't bottle rockets. The missile guidance doesn't work without American satellite support. Putin knows the level of US involvement required to use these missiles. The pretense of a small "proxy war" via Ukraine just went out the window with this missiles attack. Biden just committed an overt act of war against the nation with the biggest nuclear arsenal on the planet.

    6. Screw Ukraine. I wish that little sh1t Zelensky would take a surface to surface up the yinyang.
      War ended, then we can get back to the business of peace.
      FJB FKH

    7. Anon sounds completely like the LibTardTroll seen on Daily Timewaster.

    8. It is amazing how many people have such short attention spans. Does anyone remember the explanation for why the US and the West should support the Ukraine?

      The rationale was that after the Ukraine, Putin would turn on Poland or one of the other NATO countries. Given the general level of incompetence of the Russian military to date, the NATO countries would completely destroy the conventional forces of the Russians -- so thoroughly destroy them that it would become an existential threat to Russia.

      Okay, who cares if the Russians see an existential threat? I don't know, perhaps anyone who doesn't want nuclear weapons to start flying. Therefore it was absolutely imperative that the US and NATO *not* get directly involved in the Ukrainian war.

      This was the argument that we were presented for why Biden and company tossed billions of dollars to the Ukrainians. Americans using American weapons inside of the Russian territory goes directly against that doctrine.

      Frankly, I kind of like not living in a nuclear winter. In the 1970s and 1980s the Democratic Party was pretty much universally against having a nuclear war. The evolution of the Democratic Party from being the anti-war party to the warmongering chicken-hawks is rather interesting. If you had asked me in college if I thought the Democrats would be blasé about starting a nuclear war, I would have scoffed at you.

    9. To Anon 12:12
      The Gay Kenyan and the current Pedo in Chief started this shit back in 2012. This has been a proxy war STARTED by the war machine and the Democrats.
      Remember, it wasn't very long before that shit show was started, that Putin actually was publicly considering JOINING NATO - but certain "entities" in the west said it wasn't a good idea. You know why? Because if another proxy shooting war started between the US and Chine, then trade would be damaged - other than Killary sending a nice gift of Uranium to Russia, there is barely any trade (and money exchanged) between the two.

    10. Some say not my country, not my war - same as in 1910's and 1930's.

      They refuse to understand that Russia will keep pushing, and will invade NATO countries, for multiple reasons - lebensraum among them (remind you of anything?) - and we still have treaty obligations, and we will be front line participants very, very soon, unless we do one of two things:

      1) withdraw from NATO, and let Europe support itself or

      2) scotch the snake now, ending the Putin regime and the rest of the Russian expansionist ideologues and send them into oblivion.

      I'll leave the readers of this blog to figure out which is the better alternative.


    11. You are dangerously ignorant if not willingly so. Putin hasn't been pushing - the US has. It was the war pig Nuland who initiated the Maidan killings and the overthrow of the elected Ukraine president. It is the US that has continued to push Nato expansion towards Russia. It the US that put the kabosh on the peace agreement that could have been agreed to two months after the start of the SMO. It is the US that has ignored Putin's very legitimate and clearly stated security concerns. It is the US that has used Ukraine to launder money under the guide of military assistance back to the politicians and war pigs of the left and right here at home. The idea that Russia, with more sparely populated land than any other industrial country, and the country with more mineral and energy resources than almost every other country, needs or desires to acquire lebensraum by force or any other manner, is the height of delusion. Fuck off war pig.

  2. Well isn't that hypocritical of Dear Old Vlad, eh? Russia fits that description considering it receives weapons from China and North Korea that are used to attack Ukraine, both of which are nuclear powers. So the rule is only supposed to apply in one direction?

    Yeah, that'll work...NOT.

    1. "Russia fits that description considering it receives weapons from China and North Korea that are used to attack Ukraine"

      And Ukraine receives weapons from western powers. That hasn't, necesarily, broadened the war.

      But that's not what this issue is about. These particular weapons cannot be fired by the Ukrainians by themselves. We aren't just giving them missiles and saying 'here you go, do what you want'. No, these missiles need our active assistance to make them work.

      While they are being fired at Russian units in areas that Ukraine considers their territory, there is the ability to cloud whether or not the US is actively shooting at Russians - the issue is a bit gray.

      But, if those missiles are fired at sovereign Russian territory, there is no gray area. That would be US missiles, fired with specific US active involvement to include targeting information - into Russian national territory.

      This would be no different than if Russia decided to help Iraq back in 1990 and started launching missiles into the continental US in the name of Iraq.

      That's what is called an act of war.

    2. You are as stupid and ignorant as Kurt.

  3. 8:33 anon it seems obvious you didn’t grow up in the 1950s or 60s when we had duck and cover civil defense drills in public schools because there was a possibility some nuke might pop off in a nearby zip code. These neocon globalists will keep poking the bear. Someday the bear may say enough is enough.

    1. Funny how the realignment of the political parties have the neo-cons now living in the Democratic [sic] Party.

  4. I was in hopes that Trump would call asshole Zelensky and tell him, if one of those long range missiles are fired, day one of my presidency, I'll hang you out to dry. I hope he hangs him out to dry regardless. Fuck Ukraine.

    1. I'm hoping on Day One Trump calls Zelensky and says "You'd better make nice with Putin; I just cut your fucking water off."

  5. I said in a comment yesterday this Biden missile permission is one strategy to stop Trump from being president. Even if Putin doesn't pull the nuke trigger the Democrat generals will convince Biden to declare Martial law thus stopping Trump's inauguration due to an extremely heightened threat.

    1. Putin didn't start jack shit. Ukraine was killing ethnic Russians in Donbass for eight years before Putin finally decided to stop it.

    2. It’s surprising to me how many people don’t know this.

    3. The "killing of ethnic Russians" was complete and utter bullshit. That was the line being sold by Putin and Soloviev and Mardan. It gave them an excuse to annex parts of Ukraine and to try to seize control of the rest of Ukraine. Putin is working to "Get the old gang back together" whether the gang wants to or not.

      What excuse has Putin given for occupying the Transnistria region of Moldova? The same lame "killing of ethnic Russians" line. I expect he'll use it when he goes into Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Germany and so on.

  6. We aren't fighting the war. Ukraine is. Putin started a war and he can whine all he likes, but he's just getting what he asked for. Anonymous got the point. May be not yours, but he got the real point.

    1. Ukraine may have the boots on the ground but we're supplying the weapons, the ammo, the missiles AND the satellites needed to guide those missiles to their targets.
      Again, not my country, not my war. No American should be at the slightest risk because of their bitch-fight.

    2. These people have gone efn mad. All because of their never ending fear and hatred of Trump. Not my war either.

    3. "We aren't fighting the war. Ukraine is." Right up until the time WE start launching missiles into Russia. Which is what this entire post is about. Ukraine can't launch these missiles without ACTIVE participation by us. Not just us giving them some missiles. Us loading in the targeting information for the Ukrainians.

    4. "We aren't fighting the war. Ukraine is."

      Wrong. This long-range missile attack rips away Biden's tiny fig leaf jockstrap. Ukraine literally can't fly these missiles. Only the US can. The Pentagon was directly involved with controlling these missiles via satellites. The pretense is over. The US has now directly attacked Russia.

      This escalation is really bad. A lame duck President should never have done this.

    5. Assume that in the height of the cold war, the USSR decided to have Mexico join the Warsaw Pact. How would the US respond? Assume during this time that Mexico had a pro-US president, and the Soviet Union supported a coup replacing the pro-US president with a pro-Soviet president. How would the US react?

      This is what happened to Russia with the Ukraine. In 2014 Obama and the West supported the coup in the Ukraine the replaced the pro-Russian president with a pro-West president.

      Since at least Bush the Lesser, some within the US have been pushing for the Ukraine to join NATO. Have you noticed that the Ukraine borders Russia?

      Now assume that Mexico, with their pro-Russian president, started invading California and was taking over San Diego. Eventually, Mexico received Russian missiles, and with Russian technicians starting blowing up US military bases near Los Angeles and Las Vegas. How would the US react?

      Let's say that American conventional military was failing. Drone strikes started hitting DC. At what point do we nuke Russia?

      Now do you understand why having US technicians guide missiles against targets deep in the Russian territory is mind-numbingly stupid?

    6. We have been supplying "advisors" in an ever-increasing number. They are from all of the NATO countries.
      Reminds me of the late 1950s and the 1960s.....

  7. Sure Putin has kept saying it for a few months now because he really doesn't want to do it, but he's only gonna say it for so long before he feels he has no choice, and Joe Biden is an old senile man that is leaving office soon and knows he doesn't have that much longer to live and probably thinks "might as well burn it all down " and i wouldn't doubt that's what he's thinking.

  8. Poot ain't playin' no beanbag. The idiots giving the orders think he wouldn't attack the US or anything the US owns. Nobody thought the Nips would attack Pearl Harbor, either.

  9. So, has Biden not considered the fact that Russia has the ability to attack the ships that deliver those weapons, or the ability to hit the factory that makes them?

  10. It's all about Trump. If this was such a great strategic move why now? Why not a year ago? These crazed warmongers are going to make a big of a mess as they can before Trump takes office. Anyone know how many US troops are in that shithole country? The chances of them getting hit just went up.

    1. It's hard to get honest data nowadays what with all news outlets being DeepState dumpster fires. But I think the US only has "inspectors" and "advisors" in Ukraine itself. In 2022, Biden added 7K American troops to NATO forces in Europe. These troops are shoring up Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Poland after Russia's initial move into Ukraine.

  11. I'm hoping that since Vlad knows Trump is coming, he'll hold off hoping that Trump will cut it out.

  12. Just had a frustrating conversation with my lib wife who cant understand why we shouldn't help those poor victimized Ukrainians. She totally cant grasp the peril the world is in at this moment. As kenny and others have said, not my country, not my war. We need to take a more adult look at what our true interests as a nation are and what our limitations are.

  13. Monthly saber rattling by Vlad. Push that button, their missiles probably won't make it out of the silo/transporter without detonating.

    1. I'm old enough to remember when the Space Shuttle program ended and NASA had nothing to replace it with. For about 3 years NASA had no option except Russian Soyuz rockets to put satellites into orbit and astronauts on the ISS.

  14. I think Putin tried to make his point in 2008 when he stated flat out no NATO in Ukraine or Georgia. Then he rolled through Georgia like shit through a goose, while also not doing too much damage. 167 killed, all NCO's and privates. The entire officer corp fled to Turkmenistan. Ask me how I know this. Then in 2014, we threw an elected President out in Ukraine with a store bought "Color Revolution" and allowed Nazi's to kill 14,000 ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine over the next eight years. Now here we are facilitating NATO (US) weapons being fired into Russia from Ukraine. Fuck, I don't know, maybe Putler was on to something?
    As for anyone thinking I'm on Russia's side, I'm not. I am a no bullshit Cold Warrior and me and guys like me, with the leadership of Ronald Reagan, defeated the fucking Soviet Union, may it burn in hell. That being said, I think it's way past the time we mind our own business. Our foreign policies have been a complete shit show for more than thirty years and we damn sure ain't the manufacturing giant of the 1940's or the Super Power of 1990. FAFO is a double edged sword.

  15. russia is standing on someone elses front lawn, daring them not to fire at russia's house.

    ukraine has been firing drones with ranges over 15,000 miles at russain military targets.our "long range missiles" we're freaking out about...using GPS which is available to anyone, using satellite imagery they paid for from a commercial provider, have a range of 190 miles. we're not telling ukraine where to shoot them, and we're not "letting" them use our satellites any more than anyone else using GPS.

    meanwhile russia fires cruise missiles at schools and hospitals, and the equivalent of a german V-2 at a Home Depot full of shoppers.

    ukraine had nukes, and gave them up for security guarantees. from us. so yeah, it IS our war. if we are no longer going to defend them, give them their nuclear weapons back. fair is fair.

    the question here is are we a country of our word, or convenence? because once we become a country of convenience, then every asshole around the planet is going to think the big dog is no longer guarding the front yard, and then the shit really starts EVERYWHERE.

    every damn time we get a president who "kept us out of war" we got a war. because we didn't put the fire out when it was small. woodrow wilson "he kept us out of war!" 2 years later, WW1. FDR, same thing. and here we are again.

    we run away from war and it gets bigger until it's on our doorstep.

    we COULD have soled this is georgia. we could have solved this in crimea, donbass and luhansk. but we didn't. and here we are.

    1. You remind me of a parrot my grandmother had. It was an intelligent bird as far as birds go but was incapable of reasoning and forming its own opinions, repeating only what it heard from somebody else.

    2. Anon, he is correct.

    3. I would say Anon 12:37 hasn't been paying attention since 2014 with regards to how we got into our current situation. The West, not because of peace treaties, but because of supporting anti-Russian coups and pushing for NATO on the border with Russia has a great deal to do with goading the Russians into the Ukraine.

      Since this isn't the correct forum for a complete run down on world history, suffice it to say that peace treaties are not the problem. Weak countries and weak leaders are the problem. When the leader and/or country are too weak to tell an aggressor to FOAD, then you're likely to have a war.

      Reagan's "peace through strength" was the absolutely correct approach -- and his peace (INF) treaty with the Soviets did not lead to war.

      Chamberlain's "peace in our time" was the direct result of Britain being too weak to stand up to Hitler. He was bright enough to know that the peace treaty wasn't worth the paper it was written on, but was a stalling tactic to give Britain time to rebuild her military.

      Jimmy Carter's Camp David Accords are pretty much still in effect and who knows how many wars between Egypt and Israel they've avoided because of them.

      Trump's 4 mid-east peace deals are all still holding.

    4. Well you can guess about this and guess about that, but you'd better guess right cuz you won't get another chance to FAFO!

    5. "ukraine had nukes, and gave them up for security guarantees. from us"

      Ah, No.

      Billy Jeff Clinton made guarantees. There was no Senate ratified treaty.

      Anon 12:37 is welcome to go to Kiev (sorry Kyiv) to back-up Billy Jeff's promise.

    6. This sums up how we got here.
      Putin has showed remarkable restraint so far.

  16. It's already a war. How much more lack of control would you want?

  17. Biden authorizes missiles against Russia then conveniently goes to the Amazon jungle?

  18. Ya know, Putin said for years to stop pushing up on his border. He said for years he would not endlessly watch ethnic Russians being killed by the Uke government and Nato/US pushing closer and closer. US foments a color revolution to place the gay midget "in charge" of the Ukes so the attacks would continue, and Putin warned again he would take action. He kept his word.
    Now, he is warning what the consequences may be as we go from from a proxy war to direct, in your face intervention. I suspect he would keep his word again if pushed. Viewing Russians from our way of seeing the world is a mistake.
    I too suspect this escalation and the timing are on purpose. Their war is not my pasture though, not my bullshit..till they push him too far. We have no damn business being there, but a lot of people are making a lot money off it.

  19. Zelensky runs the laundromat for Pelosi and friends; Putin has unbelievable restraint. An actual war inside the US didn't stop the 1864 election


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