
Friday, November 15, 2024

Pissed wouldn't even begin to describe me

A Tennessee man returned home to the tragic sight of seven of his dogs dead, one of them only alive because he hid from the shooter — allegedly a police deputy.
-Capt. Pat


I would think that after being released from jail, the former deputy would be wise to move far, far away.


  1. This is why I raise a glass and cheer when one of the idiot LEOs gets a casket. I have 5 dogs and if it ever happened to me, he owes me 5 of his family members. Wife, kids, grand parents, whatever it takes to take 5.

    1. Grow the fuck up. As much as I love my dogs and as pissed as I'd be if those were mine, a dog's life is not equal to a human life.

    2. My dogs life is more important to me than some random strangers life. We live in a very "low-trust" society in most of the US now Wire-Cutter so random strangers are very suspect now. But you are right, compared to my family and friends and honest people I know, my dog is not equal to them but almost as important.

    3. Not to start a fight, but MY DOGS are way more important than most people's life. Not to mention, better behaved, polite, happier, and just plain bring more joy to the world than most people I've seen.

      Now, I do agree that you don't go killing family members for what happened, but as for the scumbag ex-cop, he needs killin...but only after several weeks of "discussion" on why he should not have done it in the first place.

    4. Ditto.
      This story has a happy ending though - the cop is being charged with a felony crime. Prison will not go well for him. Justice is served.
      I'm with you guys - actions like this are why people hate the police these days... However he is being charged with a crime, so long as the brothers in blue let the courts do their job, this is how it should be handled.
      Theres plenty of big, black, horny dog lovers in whatever prison he ends up at, rest assured!

    5. Shoot a K9 and you're charged just like you shot a human.
      Backwoods Okie

    6. All bloggers have trolls, but wirecutter has sociopathic trolls.

  2. What about the person who brought the complaint, triggering all of this?

    1. He/She gets to take the ride, right alongside officer friendly.

  3. McNairy County. I wonder what old Bufford Pusser would think if one of his deputies did this.

    1. Ol Buford killed his wife ,why would he be indifferent to this?

    2. Where did you get that from?

  4. WTF is wrong with him?!?

    Yeah, my dogs aren't people, but they are family.

    1. There are States that have elevated dogs etc. To the status of a family member. The legal boundaries this imposes are huge. Wrongful death suits should abound in this case.

  5. Scumbag's only 24 years old. Guarantee he'll move up the chain to people if he hasn't already. Put him down and save future lives

  6. They'll shoot your dog and shoot you if you interfere.

    1. Exactly.
      They hate us and want us dead.

  7. A POS that would do do that, would shoot a person just as easily! Yes a dogs life is equal to his. Just needs to be an "accident"

  8. "Grow the fuck up".'d suck off a cop or two to get out of a ticket. Your statement speaks volumes about your lack of character. Crawl back into your bottle, kid.

    1. Oh dear God, we have us a tough guy here (hiding behind an anonymous tag as always)!!!
      In case you didn't notice, my character doesn't equate a child's life to a dog's, yet you think you're superior? Get off your high horse.
      Hey, if you don't like my opinion, go away. Nobody's twisting your fucking arm to be here, asshole.

    2. I would never advocate for hurting the deputy's family over this but I absolutely do advocate for retribution on this former deputy .
      Run and hide asshole, make it fun and interesting

    3. I've never seen Kenny (wire cutter) verbally abuse someone for disagreeing with him. He chastised anon 5;34 for his immature, ridiculous response. As bad as things may have gotten, you dont kill peoples kids for killing your dog. If you think that makes me a cop sucker - well, bless your heart.

    4. Thanks, Tsgt Joe. I don't understand anybody that would advocate hurting a child, or any other innocent person for that matter. I put them in the same class as child molesters.

  9. The sonofabitch wouldn't be able to move far enough away.

  10. My dogs? They wouldn't find his body.

  11. I'm with Ken on this one. I love our dogs and they are an important part of our family, but mine at least are here for a reason. If someone breaks in, they are between my family and the bad guy(s). That gives any one of us time to go for a gun. As sad as it may sound, as much as I love our dogs, they are family is not.

    1. Lisa asked me once what should she do if somebody broke in and that asshole dog Jack went on the attack to defend her. I told her to shoot through the dog.

  12. What is with the epidemic of LEOs shooting dogs now? I rarely heard of such a case before the modern SJW/troon/DEI era.

    1. Bully and cowards tend towards the profession. Simple as that.

  13. That's some "welfare check" there. He had to kill most of the dogs to save them? I'd probably burn the neighbor's house down as retribution. And the deputy's too.

  14. I just had to put my "teddy" dog down Tuesday (my 76th birthday) we are heartbroken that our sweet little buddy's life was cut short. I would be in a murderous rage if someone had caused his injury but killing them wouldn't be morally or legally justifiable.

  15. Not worth killing the dude.

    But break his feet with a baseball bat, his knees, his hands, his elbows,

    Leave him a life of pain.

    His family though? Off limits unless they helped him.
    You gotta be better than the monsters.

    1. "You gotta be better than the monsters."

      THANK YOU!!!

    2. While I agree with your sentiment here, being "better than the monsters" is sorta how our nation arrived where it is, today. There's a case to be made for out-monstering the monsters, if for no reason than the greater good. Let's face it, that pig was in a killin mood and no amount of discussion was gonna save those dogs. They were as good as dead when he got assigned to investigate. People that broken need put down, no different than a rabid skunk except that power of life and death over the innocent thing.

    3. You. Don't. Hurt. Kids. Period.
      That 'Sins of the Father' bullshit has gone out the window everyplace but communist regimes and abortion clinics, so no, there is no case for out-monstering the monster in these circumstances.

    4. LOL, reread my comment. Put him down, yes.

      harm his family? Beyond the pale. Totally different.
      If you were to harm his family for what he did, you'd be just as bad as he is.
      Be better than that or you have nothing, no position, upon which to stand.

  16. I had to pit Otis (my avatar) down Tuesday... No amount of distance would save that pig piece of shit from me. He'd spend a solid week wishing for a quick death at my hand before I got around to it.

  17. Nah, he'd be a dead motherfucker who suffered terribly before the end, just a soon as I could arrange it.
    What would YOU do to someone who murdered your best friends?

  18. Cut off his thumbs, pull his teeth, give him a tramp stamp brand that says dog killer, or baby raper, as fits the crime, and one on his forehead that says cop, in big letters. Toss him into GP. In a month, he won't know whether he's burping or farting.

  19. Wow. Some of this Kin punishment/collective punishment talk around here boggles the mind. That stuff is the hallmark of leftist states, tyrannical regimes, and other assorted bad governments. I thought most of the people who would be reading Ken's page were the 'individual freedom' types. Liberty and such. Strange that they would advocate for such a statist 'justice' model...

    1. 20% of the population has mental illness. we see some of the comments here made by such individuals.

    2. Tyrannical governments also label their opposition as having mental illness

  20. "I would think that after being released from jail". If he actually ended up in gen pop, he may not live to be released.

  21. One has to wonder if this idiot's superiors at the sheriff's office did indeed sign off on him "dealing with the problem" and then through him under the bus when it looked like it was going to backfire on them.

    1. Even if they didn't come right out and say so, they obviously fostered a culture where this type of thing seemed like a reasonable response to the situation. Certainly, he didn't think he was going to catch a felony charge when he did it. I wonder what other stuff has been covered up in the recent past. If he knows anything, he'll use it for a sweetheart deal. Watch for him to not kill himself.


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